Chapter Twelve-Zuko

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Hey guys! Zuko is back! Can't wait to see who this strange snow goddess is (wink, wink) and why she needs these heroes' help. 

Toph-Space travel is even worse than riding a flying bison. I can't see a thing!


Sokka-Aang, we've landed...


Me-Hehe:D Enjoy!


Zuko's feet hit the ground hard. He opened is eyes and looked around. They were standing in a cavernous room with a ceiling that just kept going up, the walls lit with flickering oil lamps. Surrounding the group were hundreds of horrible creatures marching quickly in every direction, eyeing Zuko and his friends hungrily. 

Zuko got the feeling most of these monsters saw them less as allies, and more as dinner. He shuddered, and refocused his attention on the goddess as she spoke.

"Welcome to Mount Timpanogus. Please follow me to your rooms."

She turned and led the way down a side tunnel. Zuko walked behind her, studying the strange walls. They were very wet, and muddy brown. Though occasionally he came across some different colored rock layers that were different shades of grey, yellow, and brown. Zuko trailed his fingertips along the wall as he walked. The surface was smooth and oily. 

Suddenly Zuko's head collided with something very hard. There were snorts behind him from the others, and Zuko clutched his forehead and stared accusingly at the stalactite that had seemingly appeared in front of him. 

The snow goddess stopped and looked back at them, "It gets really cramped sometimes, and the stalactites and stalagmites tend to crop up where you're least expecting them. Best watch where we're going, yes?" She turned and continued down the narrowing jagged hallway. 

"So," Aang piped up from somewhere behind Zuko, "Where is this place?"

"Mount Timpanogus," the goddess said indifferently, "A huge tourist attraction in Utah. Believe me, it took a lot more effort than it was worth to get rid of those pesky mortals. The tour guides were the most reluctant to leave, but we managed to spread the word of a tunnel collapse, and block off the entrance. We shouldn't have to worry about them getting in the way."

Zuko swallowed, mortals. So this wasn't just a planet of gods and goddesses, there were relatively normal people here too. Well, they were mortal anyway.

They passed into another hallway, which widened out somewhere in the middle and revealed a gigantic stalactite to their left. It had the strange, unmistakable shape of-

"The Heart of Timponogus," the goddess said, in such a way that it sent shivers down Zuko's spine. 

At the end of the corridor, they emerged in another cavern, this one surrounded by recently built doors. It too was dimly lit, but there were no monsters running about, this seemed to be living quarters. 

The goddess led them to two doors on the left, "Girls in here, and boys in here. For your own safety, stay in your rooms unless there is a meeting you are invited to. There are things we cannot control, our enemy's power grows, and his presence grows ever closer. Goodnight."

She stood there, staring at them as if to make sure they went in their rooms. So there wasn't another choice. Zuko, Sokka, and Aang bid goodnight to the girls and went into their room. 

Inside, the ceiling and walls had the same slimy wet complexion that the ones outside had, but at least there were three comfortable beds, a food cooler, and a hand-carved table and chairs. There was even a door into the girls' room. 

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