Chapter Seven-Zuko

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Yes, you read that right. Firelord Zuko, from Avatar the Last Airbender will be joining the fun! And uh, I think this chapter is really bad, so bear with me on that. It's harder than it looks! Be sure to comment, cuz dedication goes to a commenter!

Percy-Who's Fire-lord Zuko?

Leo-Fire huh?

Me-Yes, Valdez, fire. Any other questions?

Annebeth-Yes. Why is he barging in on our story?

Me-Because he and Percy almost tie on the Scale of Awesomeness.

Percy-Is someone challenging my awesomeness?

Me-...let us start the story, huh?


"Your Majesty," the Fire Nation priest said, respectfully, "The Avatar is here to speak with you.

Zuko turned towards the closed door, "I'll meet him in the throne room."

"What does he want?" Mai asked disdainfully.

Zuko rose from the bench where they had been sitting, and donned his outer robe, "I don't know. I guess we'll find out."

She followed him threw the palace to the throne room, where Aang and the blind Earthbender girl, Toph were waiting patiently.

"Zuko!" Aang said, delighted.

Zuko raised his hand in greeting and strode over to the two of them.

"What are you guys doing here?"

"Uh," Aang glanced at Toph, "Well, Toph noticed-"

But Toph, being Toph interrupted, "What Twinkle-toes is trying to say is, three days ago, I was practicing my bending, and all of a sudden, the earth stopped working right. Aang tried too, nothing worked. It's like the earth suddenly came alive and decided it didn't like people bending it."

Zuko looked alarmed, "What are you saying?"

"I'm saying, that the earth is unbendable."

Zuko ran a hand through his jaw-length black hair, "So why did you come to me?"

Toph pointed accusingly at Aang.

Aang shrugged, "You were the first person I thought of. Besides, you told me to let you know if anything unusual happened."

Zuko groaned, "This isn't the first report. Katara is here too because she was having trouble Waterbending."

Aang perked up, "Katara!?! Where is she?"

Everyone stared at him.

"I mean...Oh Katara's here? That's nice."

Toph punched him in the arm, "Anyway, what are we gonna do about it?"

Zuko folded his arms, "What do you want to do about it?"

"Aang!" A familiar voice cried from the doorway.

Katara and Sokka stepped into the room.

"Team Avatar is getting back together, huh?" Sokka said, but everybody ignored him.

Zuko watched with a small smile on his face as his friends greeted each other. But sadly he couldn't let the moment last.

Zuko cleared his throat, "So...what's the plan?"

Before anyone could answer, a scream sounded outside.

"What the-"

Everyone ran for the doors at the same time. Outside in the courtyard, everyone was staring at the mountain near the palace. As Zuko followed their gaze, he almost screamed in alarm as well.

The mountain side was completely disfigured into the shape of a woman's face. And Zuko was fairly sure that it had never looked that way before. The woman seemed alive as well. Although her eyelids were closed, she seemed to be looking straight at him. She smiled cruelly and a sudden voice filled Zuko's mind.

Come to me, child of fire, if you want your world back to normal.

Zuko looked at the others, they stared back at him with worried expressions. They'd heard it too.

Come on Zuko, my servant is waiting for you on top of this hill to determine the fate of the world.

Zuko watched as the face evolved back into the mountain side.

"Zuko?" Mai said.

Zuko held up his hand and led the way back into the palace.

"What are we gonna do?" Sokka asked.

"Obviously," Katara said, "We're staying here."

Everyone looked at her.


"I'm going up the mountain," Zuko said with an air of finality, "You are all staying here."

He turned and left the room. Zuko didn't even pay attention to where his feet were going as they carried him to his chambers. He quickly changed out of his Firelord robes and into something lighter and easier to move in, and grabbed his duel swords off their hook.

When Zuko arrived in the entrance hall, his friends were all there, including Mai, waiting for him.

"We're coming too," Aang said.

Zuko smiled a little, "Then let's go."

Zuko grabbed Mai's hand as they followed the group out the front doors.

Mai seemed quiet, well quieter than usual, as she walked next to Zuko. But then, everyone was quiet. Zuko knew they were all remembering the last time the world was at risk. They'd thought they were through with the threats...apparently not.


Percy-I'm confused, how is that awesome?

Me-Oh no you didn't!

Percy-What? He hasn't given me a reason for me to think he's awesome yet!

Me- -.-

Annabeth-So I've been wondering, when do people get to start talking to you before and after the story? Cuz I'm sure Hazel and Frank want to know what's happening, and Zuko hasn't shown up yet...

Zuko- Hey

Annabeth-Point taken.

Me-Well anyway, comment, vote and share! Thanks for reading!

Dedication for this chapter goes to...

Wait a second, nobody commented on the last chapter! Gasp! Come on you guys! Comment on this one and you get the dedication!

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