Chapter 2

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Snapes pov

my heart sank this would be harder she is Lilys daughter. Of course like her mother she would be a Lion. I still must protect her even if she is a Gryffindor. Albus gave his speech and then The feast carried on as normal. However I found myself looking at Lily's daughter. She was sitting between the Weasley twins, I truly hope she doesn't fall in with them. once the feast ended and everyone had begun to leave the hall i walked towards her with the intent of introducing myself.

"Miss Green? Im Professor Snape" i say holding my hand out, she doesnt take it,

"Hayley please" she says in dull tone.

"Did i do something wrong?" She adds quickly

"No of course not I just wanted to introduce myself to you, sometimes it's helpful to have a friendly face around," I drawled,

"ok... uh thanks?" She looks at me puzzled. A moment of awkward silence passes before she hesitantly steps away and quickly walks to the exit.

Hayleys pov

I exited the great hall and the twins were waiting for me. We walked up to the dorm for my house. The whole way they explained me being a witch and magic. This new world. The wizarding world. Once in the common room The twins plopped down by the fire patting the spot in between them. I sat down careful not to brush against them. Harry walked into the common room as I sat down.

"Harry-" he just walked passed, he mustn't have heard me... or he ignored me. I have a feeling my brother and I weren't going to be particularly close.

"So Hayley where did you grow up?" Fred asked pulling me from my thoughts.

"Some Orphanage in London," I said in response sitting back so I was leaning against the wall.

"So no parents," George said gently, I nodded.

"Well you've got us Miss Hayley Green," Fred grinned ear to ear as he spoke.

The twins were very friendly. They began explaining their home life. Their siblings, how their mother isn't supportive. Even their dream of owning a joke shop. Im starting to enjoy the conversation greatly, it reminded me of a time before Jamie... before I discovered what I was. Where I was allowed to have friends. We began telling jokes trying to make each other laugh. Perhaps I could have two friends. The twins. I'd make sure to keep my distanced so they aren't hurt. Suddenly George went to slap me on the back and I jerked away from his touch. His face contorted to worry.

"Hayls? Are you ok?" George asked in a soft voice, I blinked at him. He sounded so genuinely concerned? I couldn't remember the last time someone spoke to me with so much caring. Not since Jaime.

"Yeah I just... touching isn't my thing. Personal space," I mumbled, the twins nodded understandingly. Grins returned to their faces

"Just let us know if anything's wrong ok? Hogwarts is no fun without friends," Fred said.

Snapes pov

I sat in my office marking papers when Dumbledore toddled in he pulled out a lolly offering it to me. I shook my and he popped it in his mouth. What is he doing here at this hour.

"The potter children are here," he hummed. Ah that's what he is here about Hayley and her brother.

"Hayley's never experience anything of a magical nature well other then herself. Perhaps a mentor is in order?" Albus gave me a very pointed look while he spoke. I rolled my eyes.

"If I deem she needs extra support I will provide Albus but until then leave her be," I snapped.

"Protective already? Hm she does remind me of Lily," I slammed my hands on my desk standing up sharply.

"Do not speak of her to me," I said in a low tone glaring at the man. He knew how much I cared for Lily yet he throws it in my face like this. I was also not protective of Hayley I am simply following a good friends dying wish. Lily wanted me to care for Hayley so I will care for Hayley. I am not doing this simply because albus feel she needs a mentor. After a moment of silence albus grins at me and makes his way to the door.

"Have a good evening Severus,"

Severus Snapes Daughter |Hayley Snape|Where stories live. Discover now