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You know how some people say, "I knew something bad was going to happen today! I could feel it in my gut!" ? Well, they're wrong.

Because you don't feel anything. Nothing even remotely close to a feeling in your gut(apart from hunger) that tells you that something is going to go horribly wrong for you. I mean, I think I would know if my gut told me that I was going to be teleported to the 17th century!

But it didn't.

Yet, here I am, in the seventeenth century. 

Awesome right?

And to top it off, I'm here with none other than Harry Styles. Yes, you heard me right. Harry Styles everyone! The heart throb of..pretty much everywhere. 

And my gut didn't warn me even that! I think I'd just rather die than having Harry Styles see me in my filthy little tank top and jeans. 

Could situations just get any worse? I have no idea how I'm going to survive being stuck in the 17th century for who knows how long; I don't even know if we can ever head back.

Time travel is not supposed to be real right?

It's just some science fiction hokey pokey. Right?

Well, at least I have company, And a rather attractive one at that.


Maybe this isn't so bad after all.

Yeah, right.

Time Travelling with Mr.StylesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora