2. Meeting Mr.Styles

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He stares into my eyes and I realize we're only an inch apart from each other. The tension around us in so heavy and I start feeling weak in the knees.

Ever so slightly, he brushes the hair from my forehead and tucks it behind my ear. I don't move an inch. He doesn't take his hand away, just lets it linger behind my ear and slowly begins to trail all the way down the back of my neck.

I feel excited. I want more. I move closer, if that was even possible and his other hand secures firmly around my waist. I gasp as he brings his face down to my neck and ever so slightly, starts nibbling the skin beneath his lips. 

My knees begin to buckle and I grasp his shoulders to keep me steady. He trails soft kisses all the way upto my chin and stops just as he nears my lips. With a finger, he touches my bottom lip and I part them in response.

"Oh, Harry," I moan as he grips me tighter.

Harry opens his mouth and, suddenly an unnatural sound escapes from his mouth. 


"Harry? Are you alright?: I ask and I get the same unnatural response.




I jolt upright. Beside me, my alarm clock continues to make the same guttural and horrible noise. I stare at it with all the loathe I could muster, wishing it  would burn to ashes for ruining my wonderfully sweet dream. 

I look at the time. It's four and I need to get ready! I dash to the bathroom and take a quick shower. As I'm drying my hair, my phone starts singing. 


"Hey, mom!" I answer.

"Evie! How was your flight? DId you sleep well, honey?" comes my mom's happy voice.

"It was fun mom! I've only been gone a day, you know."

"You can't stop a mother from worrying about her only daughter-Hey, Evie! When's the concert?" Trixie screams from behind. I laugh. 

"It's in two hours and I haven't decided on what to wear. Help me?" I ask. Soon, her voice comes clearly through the line as I realize she grabbed the phone from my mom. I can hear her laughing in the background.

"Oooh, wear that skirt I packed for you! And wear it with your violet top, you'll look fabulous! I'm so jealous of you right now. I think I'll see if I can view the concert on the internet. Oh, it would be so cool if your face comes on screen! And-"

"Whoa, whoa, hold your horses there, pixie! Let me actually go to the concert, will you?"

"Oh, alright. You can't really help it, I'm so excited for you!" Trixie, all but screams.

"Okay, now let me get dressed alright? Tell mom, I love her."

"Okay! Enjoy the concert!" And with that, I disconnect the line. I walk over to my bag and spend fifteen minutes to try and find the skirt she mentioned. Why did she have to pack in so many clothes anyway? 

After I'm ready, I stand in front of the mirror and think about what to do to my hair. In the end, I decide to wear it loose. I put on some silver earrings and a matching bracelet, a silver pendant. I decide to have my shoulder bag and I'm off.


As I reach the venue, I realize that even though I'm early, there's a LOT of people here. 'LOT' doesn't even cut it. I wade in through a group of sweaty people and look lost. Unfortunately, I'm situated way in the back, so I can't see a thing. I can't even see the screen! I feel the crowd thicken by the minute and I start feeling nauseous. 

Time Travelling with Mr.StylesWhere stories live. Discover now