1. Off to London

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There are three reasons as to why I'm leaving to London tonight:

1. One Direction(I got tickets at last!)

2. My dad lives there and I figured I could spend my summer vacation there.

3. Duh, it's London.

So, now I'm packing my bags. My flight leaves in approximately 3 hours and I've still not packed my bags. For some reason, I can't seem to decide between a skirt and jeggings(that's right people, fashion crisis). 

"Evie! I'm heading out to the store. Do you want anything?" My mom's voice echoes up the stairs. That's my mother. So caring and wonderful. Ever since Mom and Dad divorced, I thought my life was going to be over. I mean, imagine living with just one parent after spending all those years with both! But then, they worked it out and I found ways to spend time with them both. Every vacation, dad flies over from London and we spend the entire vacation catching up on everything. He's the best father anyone could ever want.

My parents don't hate each other. They just..couldn't work with their differences(or something like that. Nobody gives me a proper answer when I ask). This year, my dad couldn't fly all the way to New York, so I'm heading over to London instead. Dad paid for the tickets, obviously.

I contemplate on the things I want her to buy and scream the same back to her. After a while, I hear the front door close. I flop on my bed and flip open my phone. "Hey pixie, it's me" I say.

"Hi! When does your flight leave?" asks pixie a.k.a Trixie Lane, my best friend since..forever I guess. I call her 'pixie' because of her haircut. It's like a pixie's. Not that I know how a pixie would want to wear it's hair; I just guessed. And the name stuck.

"It leaves at 8 and I haven't even finished packing yet! Help me pixie, it's a fashion emergency!"

I hear a knock on my front door.

"Hang on, someone's at the door," I say and trudge downstairs to open the door. I open the door and smile like an idiot.

"Aw, you're the best friend I've ever had!" I say to Trixie who's panting from having run all the way from her house. Her house is like, just opposite mine. So I guess, that's how we got really close.

We head upstairs and my saviour helps me finish all the packing. I sit down on the bed and start humming a meaningless tune.

"I wish I could go to London with you," Trixie says as she's folding up my jeans.

"I know, me too! I'll try not to have too much fun at the concert, okay?" I say with a serious look on my face. Trixie throws the jeans on to my face and we both start laughing for no reason. She's just really bummed because I've got the tickets to the One Direction concert in London. She couldn't come with me because her grandparents decided to stop by for the entire vacation.

"I promise to send you a picture of me with Harry Styles!" I say to her with a wink just to tick her off. She laughs it off and we resume packing.

After a while, I hear the front door open, followed by my mother's voice calling out to me. Trixie and I head downstairs to collect the items left for packing. 

After we've finished, Trixie and I sit down at the computer to look up the weather in London and all sorts of useless stuffs. Before we know it, it's seven and mom calls us down for dinner. 

We have a quiet dinner and none of us say anything much. During the course, I notice my mom's eyes are moist.

"Mom, come on! Stop the overacting, will you?"

"Oh hush, you. It was with these incredible acting skills that I came first in my college drama competition," she begins and Trixie and I sigh audibly. Mom was an actor in college and she loved acting like it was her life. Stuffs like these are usual at home. Mom feels a little drama in your life won't do any harm. And I agree. A little drama 'sometimes' is fine. But she loves to act every single time. There was this one time where my mom killed a bug by accident, and she spent fifteen minutes giving a monolgue on how we should value life in all forms, blah, blah.

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