4. Do I believe in magic?

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"Come again?" I say. Did she just say what I think she did?

"Do you believe in magic?" she asks again. Harry and I share a look that says, 'Is she high?'

"Uh, the answer would be, no," Harry says. And it's true. Who beiieves in magic anyway? 

Bertha sighs and says, "Well, you better believe it because it's true." I look at her face closely for any indication that she must be making a fool of us ,but find none. Either she's telling the truth or she's jutt that good of an actress. I opt the latter because she had me fooled on the flight and led me to believeing she was a harmless, old woman.

 "Why on earth should we believe anything you say?" I ask, folding my hands across my chest. Surprisingly, Harry hasn't said a word.

"Do you still have the book?" she asks, turning to face me.

"What book?" Harry asks, finally breaking his silence. I look at Bertha and I know what book she's talking about. I open my shoulder bag and take out the 'Grimm's Fairytales' and place it on the bed. Bertha inpsects the book and turns to the page where 'Cinderella' is printed. Her eyebrows knit in concentration and Harry and I share another look.

"What's wrong?" I ask nervously. The way she's staring at the book makes me feel nervous. And a whole lot annoyed.

"Oh, nothing. Let me explain properly," Bertha begins.

I nod.

"No interruptions till I finish explaining. Got it?" she asks looking at me. 

"Fine," I grumble. I look at Harry and he doesn't say a thing. Odd. I nudge him by the knee and he looks at me. Seeing my questioning look, he simply shakes his head and motions Bertha to start.

"Alright. I'm a witch," she begins and shushes me when I open my mouth. Did she say, witch?

"Yes, it's true. Our coven is located on the outskirts of London, in a village far, far away."

What does she mean by 'our coven'?

"I am the youngest of all witches," she says and I snort. Youngest? 

Harry gives me a stern look and I shut up. Since when did he get all responsible?

"Being a witch, we have all sorts of powers. And I was new, so let's just say, I got a little too carried away with the powers. The leader of the coven had given me many a warning, but I was too carefree to listen. Then, came a time when my daughter fell really sick. There are rules to magic, you know. And one of the rules was to never use magic to heal another person if said person was doomed to die. My daughter was one such case. I couldn't let her die, you know? She was my daughter," Berha whispers and dabs her eyes.

"What happened?" Harry asks softly.

"I used magic on her. I thought nobody would know. But the magic failed. My daughter couldn't be saved.." she hiccuped a sob. "...And the coven found out about it. The took away my powers. I'm powerless at the moment."

"What does this have to do with us?" I ask.

"You need to help me get my powers back," she says.


"What? No way! Harry, do you actually believe in this?" I whisper-shout. What was she, mental? Powers? Magic? Witches?

No way.

"How can we be of help?" asks Harry, ignoring my outburst.

What? He actually believes her? What was he, high? Are all band members this dumb?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2014 ⏰

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