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the school bell rang,and jimin walked outside the school,waiting for yoongi.

"hi there!"said the black haired boy while he put his arm on jimin's shoulder.

"hi! so..where are we going?''asked jimin

"i don't know. let's just go to the park and then we"ll see what we are going to do after that"

  and so,the two boys walked together to the park. the wind blew in yoongi's hair,making jimin think how beautiful his hyung was. jimin admired him while they were walking  towards the park. yoongi's arm was still on the younger boy's shoulder,but jimin didn't mind. he liked being close to yoongi.

  they arrived at the park and they noticed that no one was there. they sat down on a bench,silence surrounding them.

"so.."said yoongi after a while,breaking the silence."do you like bread?"

jimin giggled "really?"

"what? I din't know what to say.."said yoongi,scratching the back of his head.

  an awkward silence floated around them until the boys heard a sound coming from under their bench. they looked down,and they saw a kitten. yoongi's face brightened as he took the kitty and put her on his lap.

"aww she is so cute!"said jimin,patting the cat.

"i know right? and she is sooo fluffy!"said yoongi,hugging her.

  jimin was dying inside from the cuteness he was seeing in front of him. he never thought his hyung loved cats,but there he was,playing with the little one.

  jimin came closer to yoongi. the boys played with the cat for a while. while they were playing with her, a couple walked in front of them.

"they look so cute together"said the girl to her partner,while passing their bench.

The boys heard what the girl said,and they both blushed,while the cat ran away.

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