cherry blossoms

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   jimin was nervous. he put on the best clothes he found in his wardrobe and went to the park.
yeah,he was 2 hours early but that didn't matter. he got himself a strawberry ice cream and sat down on a bench.

   he looked around and saw couples holding hands,laughing. jimin looked down,and he realized that yoongi might never show up. he stayed there on the bench,sad,eating his ice cream. the watch showed 18:30 pm and yoongi didn't show up.

  it started raining,and jimin went under the cherry tree to avoid the rain. everyone left the park, but jimin stayed there, under the cherry tree. tears ran down his cheeks,but he wiped them away.

   the boy started hearing footsteps, and he started panicking. when the footsteps stooped,he looked up to see a soaking wet yoongi standing in front of him. jimin was shocked to see yoongi there.

   "sorry for being late" said yoongi,smiling.

   "did you run from your house to here?" asked jimin

   yoongi nodded. jimin knew his hyung never ran and the thought of yoongi running for jimin made the younger cry. he started crying in front of yoongi,and the older hugged him tight.

   when jimin calmed down,he looked up at his hyung.

   "I've liked you for a long time,and when you started ignoring me I was devastated. I didn't know what to do,I cried every night and hoped that the next day everything would be normal again. but it wasn't. I didn't want to lose you,so that's why I invited you here. to confess everything before it's too late."

   yoongi remained silent for a couple of minutes.

   "it's okay if you don't like me-

   "jimin." said yoongi,looking into jimin's eyes. "I had to ignore you because..because I didn't want to fall in love with you and then hurt you. but that didn't work. ignoring you was the hardest thing I've ever done. I fell in love with you."

   the boys said nothing for a while. they looked into eachother's eyes,both soaking wet by the rain that fell through the tree's branches. yoongi moved closer to jimin and kissed him slowly, placing his hand on jimin's cheek. they stayed like that for a couple of minutes,under the cherry blossoms,until the rain stopped and a rainbow appeared in the sky.
   "I love you" said the boys at the same time.


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