Chapter 1

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"Alright, so we know that getting outta here is not going to be that easy. Or as easy as the first time." Dean grumbled as he shut the car's door close.

"So it seems- uh thank you Clint!" Sam gave the driver a smile but he only frowned at him.

"Uh Clif? You know what guys? Just stay off drinking for a little while yeah? And Jensen, why don't you tell your wife to make you like a warm tea or something? Your voice is starting to turn into Dean's and it's kinda creepy." Clif gave Dean a tight smile.

Dean frowned, feeling a little offended for a moment but just as he was about to speak Sam did for him "Uh yeah sure thing, thanks for the drive Clif." he gave him a tight smile and the man nodded his head.

"Of course. Goodnight guys." he waved at them and Sam waved back.

"What the hell's wrong with my voice?" Dean exclaimed, his voice raising an octave and Sam only rolled his eyes "My voice is absolutely fine! It's that freaking Jensen's voice that must be weird! Just like his name." he scoffed, making a face and rolling his eyes.

"Yeah right, sure. Let's go inside now before it starts raining on us." Sam huffed a laugh, stuffing his hands in his jacket.

"Yeah right, well smart call to come here Padaleski." Dean said with a smirk and Sam frowned.

"Uh Lecki. I'm pretty sure it's Lecki."

"Yeah whatever Polish boy. As long as I won't have to watch you and fake-Ruby stuff faces." Dean made a disgusted face and Sam huffed, giving him a bitch-face.

"I mean hey Sammy, what do ya think (Y/n/n) would think about it?" Dean gave him a side look and Sam rolled his eyes.

"Nothing because she knows very well how I feel about her. I love her and only her. Besides, this place, those guys it's not us ok? So no there shouldn't even be a need to worry."

"Sure." Dean nodded his head, fetching the keys he had stolen earlier from Jensen's trailer but still avoided eye contact with his brother "Just save me the cheesy details man, I liked my burger a couple hours ago." he laughed him off but Sam just sighed.

"Yeah well, it is not going to be my favorite thing to see you stuff your face with whoever your wife is." Sam said in a teasing tone and Dean chuckled, a triumphant grin on his face when he managed to find the right key.

"You think she's gonna be hot?" he asked Sam with a smirk and the younger Winchester shrugged.

"Well, if this Jensen guy is anything like you then- I guess." he shrugged and Dean scoffed.

"I doubt it. Did you see that dude's car? I mean come on now!" he exclaimed a little too loudly, his voice echoing inside the house.

"Hm well, you've got a pretty nice house that is for sure. Looks really home-y." Sam commented as they both took a look around.

"Yeah, it's nice." Dean almost whispered and Sam merely nodded his head as he took in the sight.

"It's ike-" he breathed out a laugh "It's like they let (Y/n) decorate it or something. She's told me so many times about how she's imagined her house and it's- pretty much like this." Sam motioned around him.

"Of course she would." Dean breathed out a chuckle, a fond smile on his face. One that as soon as he noticed matched that of his brother's he wiped off.

"Alright-" he cleared his throat, trying not to get too carried away "-let' not get carried away. We first need to-"

"Honey?" a voice cut him off, though, before he could say more and both brothers stiffened "Is that you?" it was heard again, this time coming closer and Dean shared a look with Sam.

Lie to me - Dean/Jensen x Reader x SamWhere stories live. Discover now