Chapter 4

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And he asked te question he needed to be answered more than anything "There's no (Y/n) and Dean, they are just friends... aren't they?"

"Baby, what is it?" you frowned, tilting your head to the side "Why are you asking me all these questions now?"

"I just- I figured there were some things I wanted to hear from you, some things getting complicated with Dean... and his role, and Sam so I just... yeah." he pursed his lips, frowning at himself when he realized that sounded so not convincing.

"Is it about Sam or... Jared?" you asked with a raised eyebrow and his frown only deepened.


"Baby, if you still are jealous over the scenes we have I- I seriously don't know what to say, now. I thought I'd done enough to show you how much I love you, I didn't know you still doubted yourself so much about it." you whispered "But- but if I have to say this all over again, every single day of my life then I will. Jens, you know he is my best friend, he is like a brother to me and quite honestly there is no man on this Earth that could ever make me feel the way I do about you. There is no man that I could love more than you, baby."

"He's... a great guy. He's literally perfect." he breathed out, not entirely meaning Jared but rather his own brother "I wouldn't... really blame you."

"Probably but to me it's only you that I find perfect. It's only you that I want and it certainly is only you that I find the most wonderful guy I've ever met. And all these flaws that you can't stop thinking about? I love them too, because I really think that's what love is about. Maybe Jared can be perfectly-sweet-Sam anyday but to me... I would take imperfectly-broken-Dean you any moment because this is the man I fell in love with. And I can't change that, not that I want to. I am with you because I love you, and seriously you have no reason to be jealous of him. No matter the scenes, no matter the words- it's all acting, baby. It's my job but at the end of the day? It's your arms I wanna be in." you didn't even realize you were rambling but Jensen was just like everybody else he got self-conscious about things like this and you always tried your best to soothe him down, only saying the truth every time.

"That's the only thing I want too." he whispered and you squeezed his hand.

"Good, because as much as I did love your moments of jealousy in the past this is actually your best friend we're talking about and this is making everything hella awkward." you chuckled and he grinned at you.

"Awkward and weird is what we do, isn't it?"

"Absolutely." you looked deeply in his eyes "But just because you asked... I really think this is what defines (Y/n) and Dean's relationship, 'cause I can't really call it a friendship and you know it."

"Wh-what do you mean?" he frowned slightly, giving you a perplexed look.

"This? The doubts, the worries and the fear it's all too Dean-like, which of course you know but to be honest I really think it's a lot (Y/n)-like too."

"(Y/n)... doubts she's good enough for Sam?"

"Sam and... even more so, Dean." you breathed out and his eyebrows shot up.

"She doesn't think she's good enough for Dean?" the shock was evident in his voice and face but you didn't realize a thing. Not at least the way Dean was actually comprehending things at the moment. That was something he had never heard from you, his universe's you at least, nor something he would ever really expect or think for that matter. He was the flawed one, Sam and you were all always the perfect ones which was partly why you were made for one another in his opinion. But that didn't seem like it was the case for you.

Lie to me - Dean/Jensen x Reader x SamWhere stories live. Discover now