Chapter 12

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"She kissed him."

"Who?" he blinked, pulling away to look at you "What are you talking about?"

"I-" you pursed your lips, blinking when the sentence kept being repeated in your mind. You could still take it back, you could change the subject or shake it off but-

"(Y/n)" you said in a soft voice and the frown on his face made you realize he had not heard a thing, so you cleared your throat and took a deep breath "(Y/n). (Y/n) kissed Jensen, my husband Jensen. Who... is in your place in the Supernatural universe in- in your body." you couldn't help the small stuttering but you kept your voice firm so that he could listen to every word. He needed to know before he made any decision.

"Wh-what?" his voice was significantly more rough "How do you know that?" his eyes were slightly wide, and you could almost see he was holding his breath.

"I've been having these visions, dreams into your universe, Dean. Moments your (Y/n) lives and shares with Jared and Jensen, and I know she's been experiencing the same thing. I struggled to understand it too and I- I don't know how to feel. I mean it is still Jensen, my husband, and I-" you laughed humorlessly "Am I jealous? I- I think I am. Gosh, I am jealous of my own self. Wow this is messed up. But-" you cleared your throat.

"But- but that doesn't matter now." you shook your head, eyes casting down at your linked fingers as a deep frown set on your face "I just feel like you need to know this, I- I didn't want you to keep... hurting at remembering moments Jensen and I shared and to think that it would never be possible for you and her to-"

"What?" he asked almost in a growl and you knew it was because he wanted to be defensive "Live those moments? To have children and a freaking perfect house? To be happy together at the expense of my own brother?" he scoffed, letting go of your hands, and running a hand down his face. He didn't want to believe it to prevent his hopes from rising, typical.

"No" you choked out "For you and her to experience this love, this love-" you cupped his face and made him look at you "We have."

"(Y/n), we- we can't. We-"

"She kissed him, Dean. Did you even try to comprehend that?" you growled slightly, trying to get it through "She kissed him of her own will and no it wasn't because she misses Sam, in case you're wondering that." you let a soft sigh and looked at him with a tender smile "She kissed him because she misses you."

"Why? Really why?" he asked in a hoarse voice, locking eyes with yours. You saw the doubt but still great need to believe you in them.

"I- I think deep down it's because Jensen made her... me, realize things I had not seen until now. But, you know, always felt. They were always there. Like-" you paused, taking a hold of his hand again and he gladly let you "Like the ones you have, only difference with me is that they were overshadowed by everything I feel for Sam."

"Did you... she see our daughter?" he asked reluctantly as well, swallowing the lump in his throat.

"Yes, yes she did." you nodded your head softly "And she totally fell in love with her. I mean how could she not? Seeing what we've helped create is-" you shook your head with a laugh "Our daughter is so beautiful it would be impossible not to. And I think that in some way JJ helped in her realizing a few things." you whispered and he didn't say a word, only nodding his head. You could practically see the gear spinning in his head, trying to think of a reason believable enough to justify your, well her, actions. Anything to just make him believe that it wasn't because you felt even the slightest thing about him.

Anything to keep him, and even more Sam and you, from hurting any more.

He was trying to convince himself to not believe you, of course. But you weren't going to let him have this, he had been hurting enough for all this time and with the way things had evolved your other self was already hurting now, Sam was too no matter how well he tried to hide it. Pain was not something they could avoid anymore so it was better to sort things out once and for all.

Lie to me - Dean/Jensen x Reader x SamWhere stories live. Discover now