Chapter 5

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"I'm not Jensen damn it!"

"You're not... who?" you blinked, taking a step back and away from him.

"I'm not-" Dean took a deep breath,trying to calm down his wildly beating heart; it was out now there was nothing he could do to take it back and maybe he didn't want to "I'm not Jensen."

"What- what do you mean you're not Jensen?" you blinked the tears from your eyes, watching him carefully and Dean hated himself for how you seemed to withdraw from him even more.

"I'm not going to hurt you." he whispered, his voice rough; feeling a pang in his chest as you took yet another step back "I swear I'm not gonna hurt you just- I need you to listen to me, please. And then- then you can do whatever you want. Run, leave for good or kick me as hard as you can, I'll take it." he lowered his head letting out a shaky breath "I'd take it all from you." he closed his eyes for a moment.

"I asked you one thing: What the hell are you talking about?" you pursed your lips, trying to seem brave although your hands were shaking.

"I'm not Jensen, not your husband Jensen." he breathed out, looking at you "I'm Dean, Dean Winchester. The very same character your husband plays in the show, Supernatural. We're here from our universe because a witch-"

"We?" you asked, cutting him off.

He sighed softly "Sam and I. That's- that's not Jared either, it's my brother Sam."

"So you're telling me you're Dean, a fictional character, that my husband portrays in a show and have been transported to my universe like in the French Mistake, which is why you are also not able to touch me the way you used to- not the way he would, right?" you asked and with a small nod he spoke.

"Yeah" his voice was raspy as he waited for you to do something but he was only met with a scoff that made his shoulders fall.

"Are you kidding me Jensen?" you glared at him as he let out a disappointed sigh "You can't find a better excuse and you tell me this?!"

"I'm not trying to find an excuse (Y/n)! Please just listen to me, I- I can't let myself be with you the way I want to because- because of Sam!" he tried so hard to keep his voice from raising but you just laughed bitterly at him.

"Wow Jensen that's- that's just really low. I never- I never thought you'd do something like this, not you. Look-" you sniffled, trying not to show how hurt you were but Dean actually knew you better than you knew yourself "If you just don't want me- or to do anything just say it, I'm a big girl I can take it. Just stop giving me lame excuses like this, you're only making it worse."

"But (Y/n) please-" he found himself striding towards you and taking a gentle but still firm grip of your shoulders "I'm telling you the truth, can't you see that?"

"See what? Come on, Jensen." you growled, pushing his hands off and it had never hurt Dean more than this time "Will you fucking stop it? It's not funny at all."

"I'm not joking here, (Y/n)!" he threw his arms in the air "I swear, please. Please just-" his voice cracked and for a moment you bit your lip at how broken he sounded, for a moment you thought 'Almost like Dean', but you shook the thought off "Just hear me out."

"On what exactly, Jensen?" you huffed "The fact that you are not Jensen, even if you look exactly like my husband, but are actually Dean Winchester and won't let yourself get close to me because oh wait my character is in a relationship with Sam- your brother Sam?!" your voice had started rising and Dean tried his best to soothe you down.

"I'm not Jensen." his voice was low, defeated almost as if exhaustion had started catching up with him "I'm Dean, and I know this it too much for you to understand; not when magic doesn't exist in this universe. Not when you have never come face to face with what really is out there, not that I'd ever have it any other way. This-" he looked around him "This is what you deserve but I- I need you to know this, I need you to try and understand it. I know you can."

Lie to me - Dean/Jensen x Reader x SamWhere stories live. Discover now