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a story told through poetry.

— the story of a boy and his journey + character development, told by a close childhood friend ; told in acts

— the first act is in chronological order, but then the rest just goes with a theme and focuses on character development

— there is a term that's used frequently & may be helpful if given my interpretation of it:
• the heavens — i am not targeting a certain god or religious entity, but rather i am talking about an invisible force. a force that tries to push people down and down, daring those to break through. you know how sometimes you feel as if the entire world is against you? that feeling is essentially what i tried to embody for "the heavens". so, while it wasn't intended for a religious reference, you can certainly think of it as so.

— lowercase intended to create a sense of closeness, helplessness, and vulnerability

— (optional on mobile) best read in "scrolling" format and not "paging" format, as to not disrupt the flow of the poem.

— each act is accompanied with a corresponding playlist that matches the theme of the act



dark themes
suicide mention
explicit language



writing: 06.08.16 - null
posting: 12.25.17 - null
highest rank: n/a
update day: every other saturday



"Tears for You" by Soul

© 2017, existingsouls

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written
permission from the author.

(but really. so much work and planning went into this. i have been working on this planning and writing and editing for almost a year. do not use anything in this book unless you have my permission.)

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