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Nina's POV

I came down to see almost everyone eating there was a few seats left. One next to Amber. One next to Jerome and one next to Mara so I obviously chose Amber concidering Mara and Fabian were dating.

Fabian at that point came in and saw Alfie had sat next to Jerome and their was a spare seat next to me or Mara but Amber had put her hand on the spare seat next to me and was giving him the you have hurt her enough look so he sat next to Mara and we all ate in silence and left for our rooms.

Fabian and me were the only one left at the table

"N...Nina" Fabian began

I looked at him

"Hey. I'm sorry about Me and Mara I just never expected you to come back and I was devestated at you leaving and I found someone to take my mind off you and I mean you were constantly in my head so Nina I'm sorry"

"Don't there is no need Fabian. I mean I never moved on but looks like you did"

And I left him on his home and returned to the attic to see Amber searching the floor

"Amber?" I asked

"The dollhouse and the note" "It's gone" She said

I then looked on the floor to to find it had gone.

"You did put it here didn't you?"

"Yeah" I told her

"It's ten o'clock you have five minutes precisely to get to your rooms and then I want to her a pin drop" Victor had said and me and Amber changed and got into bed

That night winds were sweeping my hair and I felt very cold so I got up and turned the heating on and stood before me was a ghost spirit like Senhkara

"Chosen One" it spoke

"You got my note"

"Y....Yeah" I struggled to say

"I'm Isis descendant of Osiris and was sent here by Anubis"

"Chosen one you have a task to complete for Anubis!"

"What if I don't. I mean I don't want to!"

"Fine child!" And it dissapeared

The next morning I woke up and was getting changed into uniform in our room.

"Hey what up with your arm Neens" I looked at my arm to find a jackal mark which was glowing red

Amber slowed down and said

"Nina! What did you do this time?"

"Give me your hands first" I grabbed her hands

"Good you haven't got it!"

"Damn right I have flawless skin"

I swung my bag on my shoulder and went down to see only. Eddie. Patricia. Alfie. Fabian. Me and Amber

Amber sat down and spilt juice on her and she pulled down her sock so she could put it on the radiator when I saw it. The jackal but Amber's was glowing yellow

I looked at Patricia to see she had one under her braclet which was blue

Alfie also had a purple one. Fabian a green and Eddie a red.

"What's wrong Nina?" Eddie said looking at his arms and noticing it which caused a domino effect of everyone looking

"Are we cursed Again?" Patricia asked

"I will explain everything" I said but Amber said

"Are.. You..in?" Amber asked doing the sibuna sign

And everyone repeated

"Ok. so here is what happened" I begun


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