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Nina's POV

The door handle turned and in came Fabian.

"Hi" He said

"I think I found some more information about them!"

"Well we have also found out some information. Fabian!" Amber said glaring at him

"O...k Amber I would stay but I have a date with Mara so see you guys"

And he closed the door and left

"In order to find out about Mara we need to go to hers and Fabian's date because Fabian lying and acting so not like him! I think she is up to something!"

"Ok but let's remember we are cursed and we still need to get A!"

" No we need Patricia to get A she has blue. So we need to tell her where it is and we keep them all together while me and you see what Mara is up to!"

"Sibuna!" Amber said and we left the room and told Patricia and we hid it in our room and high fived

"Here she comes!" Patricia said as we hid in the kitchen

Mara came in with a pink and white stripy dress with a shawl

"Didn't you were that dress for the prom Nina?" Amber questioned

"Yeah" I said

"Mara you look stunning!" Fabian said blushing

"Thanks" She smiled playing with her hair

"So Fabian what's new?"

"Well they went into the cellar and they haven't found out about you"

"Make sure they never do"

Mara stared intently at Fabian and her eyes flashed to multicoloured then returned to normal

"Keep an eye on them boo!"

" I will do he replied but I'm cursed with them"

"Play along then!"

And for the next hour they sat in silence and ate. We came out when they left the room.

"He lied!" I said crying

Amber and Patricia out her arms around me for comfort when Fabian walked in a few minutes later

"What you guys doing have you found A?"

"No" I lied and thought Two can play at that


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Sibuna ✋

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