Let the suffering comence

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Nina's POV

Amber came running looking at me to ask what's wrong but I deny it but Amber can see right through me into my tear full eyes and my pregnancy test in my hand

"Isis. You know in the dream last night"

"Yes" She said concerned

"Well when he said about suffering well I think I was the first"
"I'm no longer..." I tried to say but tears took over

"Your not pregnant anymore?" She asked but at the same time comforted me

"I guess Fabian gets his wish" I said sending more tears down my eyes
When Patricia came running in

"Guys. Big problem!"

Me and Amber followed her into Eddie and Fabian's room when something was rattling in the closet and out jumped a 9 year old kid with a Zombie mask on

"What's up Trix? You have been avoiding me all day?"

Eddie walked over and handed little Alfie a mirror

"Ahhhh!!!! Not this again. Oh my gosh! Please Amber do the task"

"But Alfie the bugs--" She said when a spider landed on her head.

"Amber don't move it's massive"

"Thanks makes it a whole lot better!" She said felling the animal on her head

"Get it off Eddie!!" Eddie whacked it off

"Ok I would rather go into the cellar than have that on my head again"

"Why am always so small?" Little Alfie said

"Why has it only effected Me. Amber and Nina" " What about Patricia and Eddie" Alfie spoke

"Alfie why did you say that you could have jinxed us"

Eddie's POV


I was running outside when Anubis stood as tall as a giant looking down apon us. Nina and Mara stood before him Nina was getting lifted up to the skies when Fabian ran in

"Stop! Take Mara instead I love Nina!"

"Nina" Everyone ran and Mara bolted lightning beams at people sending them flying

"Nice work Mara" Anubis said and Mara went to the skies

~End of Vision~

"Eddie? What happened?"
I looked down and saw myself sprawled on the floor and everyone apart from Patricia had left

"Everyone else has been jinxed but you." A robot voice said for Patricia

"Why I'm not the Osirion"

"Wait! I had a vision but I'm not the Osirion but the house it's trying to warn me of the something"

"It's called a dream you dope! it's 6am"
It was true I glanced at my alarm clock
It felt so real
The other Sibunas came running in

"We got the necklace! The jinx is off but we have to be quick with U." Nina said

"Oh no its me" Alfie said indicating his mark

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