The Riddle

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Patricia's POV

"House below. Cellar?" Alfie suggested

"Can't be seen throughout the day but can find the hearts weight?" I asked

"We really need to find this out Isis is getting really annoyed" Nina said

"Like Sankhara annoyed!" Amber said

"Eddie. Patricia you two go down to the Cellar and have a look around. Alfie. Amber and I will research it!" Nina said

"Sure" I grabbed Eddie wrist and Nina checked her surroundings and let us down into the Cellar

I was coughing through all the dust and cobwebs which got stuck in my hair which Eddie pulled out and entered the passcode to the study.

"Look in the draws Yacker" Eddie said as he searched the bookshelf

"I am I'm looking for"

"Isis" Eddie finished

"The book of Isis!" "That's what we need Victor has got it remember"

"Looks like a job for us" I said and high fived my man

We traveled up the secret passage way again and I had to distract Victor while Eddie got it.

"Victor! Victor!"

"Williamson. What do you want child?"

" Amber is really worried she thought she saw a beaver in the heating system"

"Ahhh" Amber screamed right on cue and Victor followed the screaming Amber and I signaled it was safe for Eddie to go

Eddie's POV

Patricia had signaled to me so I ran into his office and looked on his shelves then his draws where i saw it and grabbed it in the nick of time when Victor came up and we ran downstairs into my room

"It's all in the book of Isis" Patricia said chucking them the book

"L. M. N here Necklace"

"Isis wore a necklace to measure hearts of guilty people. It would contain a feather used to weigh the hearts. It is hiden somewhere in Anubis or something and is said to look like this"

The picture showed below

"Frobisher Smythe was the only one to have seen it"

"The Tunnels." I said

"Okay tonight after lights out"

"Okay" Everyone agreed apart from Amber who whined

The Cellar~

Amber's POV

We were all walking down the tunnels looking for it when Alfie climbed into the small space when he found something

"I found something"

He grabbed it and it caved in on him

"Alfie?" "Are you there" Eddie shouted

"Im coming for you"

Eddie climbed in and dug at the dirt but it wouldn't move

"Alfie you have to put it back it's like a trigger"

"No I think it's the necklace"

"Describe it"

"Heart string feather with a Horus sign on it which is glowing yellow"

"Of Course Amber can only get it she is yellow. Alfie put it back and come out"

Which he did slowly along with Eddie

"Really. Why me?" I said and climbed in


"Amber calm down"

Right that second out marks raged with Anger.

"Fail isn't an option Chosen one now suffer the concequences." I heard Isis say but next minute I found myself lied in my bed but Nina shot up.

"Same dream?" She asked and I nodded

Nina ran to the bathroom clutching her stomach.

"NO!" She shouted through tears

"Anything else Isis why this?"

I could her Isis laughing round the house speaking through our marks

"Oh Chosen One!"

He spoke


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