The call for Isis

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Eddie's POV

"What just happened?" Patricia was asking me from behind a barrel

"It doesn't matter now. We know that I is something in this building so we just need to look around"

"Yeah because we are just going to look for something we don't even know about and our cursed friends are going to try to stop us!" Patricia had sarcastically said

"Ok then. They called for Horus right? Now we call for Isis" I spoke and lept to my feet

"Isis" I shouted "Isis. We need your help to find I"

Still no answer

"Horus has told Mara and Fabian to go and find it before we do but we don't know what we are looking for" Then the room was filling with white misted smoke

"Horus doesn't know what he is up against and do you really need my help boy because I'm sure you have it all up here" He said tapping the side of my head

Patricia then pulled herself onto her feet and also stood before Isis. Isis looked intently at her as he was passing on something to her but he just disappeared

"Eddie I know what it is he told me secretly" Patricia said climbing up the staircase and back into the bright room upstairs shortly followed by me

"Well aren't you going to tell me?" I asked her

"It's a spear with an Isis sign on it we need to get the right one as there is and Anubis. Horus. Isis and Osiris one"

"Ok let's spread out you go upstairs I will take downstairs" I told her

"Sibuna" She said doing the sign then went upstairs

I went into the main room with people in multicoloured frocks dancing slowly with their partners making it harder for me to move but I could see Fabian looking at a suit of armour in the corner and then leaving

When I finally managed to get free I looked at the armour and at the symbol

"Anubis" I sad disappointed and then left into the next room were I came face to face with my Aunt Jenny and Uncle David

"Eddie honey were have you been." He said pushing my tie up

"Yeah Eddie we haven't seen much of ya." My uncle began and he came closer to me and said

"You haven't been making out with that girl have you"

"David first of all no and-"I stopped when I saw Fabian carrying a spear in the corner of the room and as she was carrying it out I saw it

"Isis" I said

"What?" My uncle asked confused as I walked past him and outside

Fabian kept on walking to the forest on the edge were I could make out a dark figure known as Mara's

I rang Yacker's number and told he our problem. Within seconds she came down

"I got this Miller!" She said moving me to the side but jumped when lightning was coming from the sky were Mara and Fabian stood

I ran forward as fast as I could and yanked it from the ground before they could notice as they were looking for Horus

"Eddie!" Mara shouted and pointed to me as I was running with Patricia and Fabian began following but not as fast.

We ran inside and ran out and into Mr Sweet's car were Mr Sweet was driving and we darted inside and into Eddie's room so we could hide it in the passage way behind Eddie's wardrobe.

We hid it luckily but a girl lay on the floor with no movements

"Nina?" We asked concerned but nothing happened

"Nina!" Patricia said again shaking her body again but nothing....

(A/N How are you guys liking the story so far? I'm loving the feedback you are giving me!

What do you think has happened to Nina?

What's team evil to do next?"

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Sibuna ✋

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