Chapter Seven

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The day had passed rather slowly, but Kiana loved it nonetheless. Her master, Caleb, had to go to work but she was left with probably the nicest woman she'll ever meet. She didn't get annoyed with how clingy Kiana could be sometimes (as most cats are), and she even let her just curl up in her lap when she was watching T.V. 

Lily turned her gaze from her shows occasionally to the small Neko in her lap, and a soft smile crossed her face each time. Sometimes she'd be watching as well, others she'd look like sleeping, and once she caught her gaze and smiled back which warmed her heart even more. She's certainly glad this is the one Caleb bought to bring home because she seems absolutely perfect.

Kiana glanced upwards with a smile at her mistress and curled further against her. She was so glad to have found a good home. But whenever she tried to ask about this Martha person, she changed the subject. It confused her, but she figured it would be worth another shot.

"Miss Lily?" She spoke softly, sitting up in the lap even though she was very comfortable.

"Hmm?" Lily paused the show she was watching and smiled gently down at the Neko. "Do you need something?"

"Um, who is Martha?" A slight nervous feeling ran through Kiana's body. Lily had gotten slightly annoyed the third time she asked a while ago, but she was really curious about the whole thing.

Lily frowns and closes her eyes, sighing. She was getting a little upset that she kept asking. You would think she had gotten the hint but no. "Kiana, I already tried to avoid telling you. That means I don't want you to know yet." 

"But, Miss Lily-"

Something in Lily snapped and she narrowed her eyes sternly at the child. "Kiana!" She snaps. "I told you, no!" When the girl's face changed from curiosity to fear she realized what she'd done. 

Her body began to tremble and Kiana in a flash was off the couch and running across the floor. Tears began to trail down her cheeks as she ran just into the other room and under a cabinet, shaking like a leaf and sobbing quietly. She regretted asking. She knew it was making her mad but she continued to push the matter.

Lily rose to her feet with a frown, looking around the room as she followed where Kiana had run. "Kiana, come here. I'm sorry." She looked around the floor.

Kiana ignored her apology, curling into an even tighter ball on the floor. Her tail wrapped around her legs tightly. But then her ears twitched as she picked up a quiet sound and turned her head slowly. 

In the corner of the cabinet and wall, there was a large brown spider. A shiver instantly ran down her spine and she ran out from under the cabinet, keeping her back turned to the rest of the world as the spider seemed to scurry after her. She let out a startled cry before being whisked off the floor in one hand while another came down over the spider with a paper towel, hiding it from view.

Kiana found herself trembling as she leaned into whoever got rid of the spider then froze when she remembered Lily was the only other one here and pushed herself away. "L-Let go!" She pleaded.

"Shh, Kiana." Lily cooed, tossing out the paper towel before bringing the child close to herself. "I'm sorry I scared you. But you must understand that Martha...she isn't a good person." She whispers, using the tip of her finger to pet Kiana's hair gently.

Slowly, she stopped struggling and leaned into the soft touch with a worried frown. "Sh-She isn't?" She asked quietly.

"No. I didn't want you to be worrying all day, so I was avoiding the question. I should have just told you instead of yelling. I'm sorry." Lily murmured, returning to the living room and sat back on the couch.

Kiana looked down at her hands. She kind of understood, but she kind of didn't at the same time. But she figured the part that understood was right and leaned back into her mistress with a small smile. "O-Okay. I won't worry. And I'll be good from now on, I promise."

"You did nothing wrong," Lily said with a soft laugh. "I scared you, you had every reason to run and hide."

"Really?" She asks surprised. "All the other masters I had, when they scared me and I hid, they'd hurt me." Her ears drooped at the thought of those men. She still hates them. But she still fears them too. 

Lily shakes her head as her smile was replaced with a frown. "Do not let them scare you anymore. Please." She whispers, using her hand to cover her almost like a blanket.

"I can try," Kiana whispered with a small smile, her brown eyes closing as she relaxed against the human. She may have scared her, but the reason behind it was a good one. Not like the ones before her.

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