Chapter Fourteen

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Caleb's hands were gripped tight around his steering wheel as he sped home. His knuckles were white and his heart was hammering in his chest. How could he have been so stupid? That cheese was part of the experiment at work. If anyone at his home got a hold of it, who knows what could happen?

He pulled into the driveway and ran inside, his hair flopping into his face as he threw the front door open. He then froze in his tracks. His dark green orbs first landed on the human height Kiana, then the tiny figure in her palms. He swore softly under his breath before walking over to the kids. "Abby...? Kiana, are either of you hurt?" He asked gently, looking back and forth between the two.

"N-No dad." Abby's small voice piped up and he looked at her as she gripped into the Neko's finger. "B-But I don't understand what happened. Th-The cheese we ate-"

Caleb interrupted with a heavy sigh. "That's what did it, the cheese. At work, we've been testing out special formulas. I was supposed to take the cheese in so we could test its effects on lab rats, but it completely slipped my mind." His eyes then landed on Kiana's face and they widened in horror. "Oh, dear Neko, what happened to you?!" 

Kiana managed a small smile, even it broke the small scab that started forming on her lip. "M-Martha, but I'm okay. I-I kept Abby safe." She whispered, proud of herself as her tail flicked back on the forth on the couch beside her. "B-But aside from that...can you fix this?"

"I can, yes. You both just got terribly unlucky. The marble was to grow, the cheddar to shrink, and the Swiss is, in fact, the antidote. Had one of you eaten the Swiss, nothing would have happened to that person. I hope you both, and your mother can forgive me."

"Of course we can." Kiana met his eyes with her own brown ones, her cat ears twitching happily. "So all we have to do is eat the swiss and everything will be fine again?" She asked softly before flinching when Caleb's hand brushed blood off her face.

"Yes. But you little girl, have to promise that you won't climb, scurry about, or do anything to make yourself worse. Alright?" Caleb's hands scooped Abby from the Neko's palms and he then headed to the kitchen with Kiana close behind him.

"I promise master, really I do." 

Abby's head was racing. Her thoughts were completely mixed. Martha, she couldn't be friends with her anymore but the teen was also the only friend she really had. If she were to stop she'd be completely alone. But after seeing what she could do to Kiana, it really put things in a new light. A sudden soft 'thud' made her squeal and jump back, realizing she was now on the kitchen counter with a chunk of swiss cheese in front of her feet.

Kiana, who was sitting on the counter, had a piece in her own hand and the Neko child smiled down at the tiny teen. "I-I'm glad you're okay." Though she truly was, she was scared. She was scared of what Abby would do to her when she was again much bigger than her. But fighting off the fear just long enough she popped the cheese into her mouth and chewed quickly as her brown eyes shut tight.

There wasn't any pain. There wasn't any blacking out. She only opened her eyes and saw everything around her was back to what it was once, except Abigail. Abigail stood on the counter, not touching the cheese as she stared at Kiana. This made the Neko a little nervous until she was suddenly embraced by the teen. 

"K-Kiana, I'm so, so sorry." Abby sobbed, closing her green orbs tightly. "Y-You're such a good kid, and pet, and I was so cruel to you. I-I shouldn't have been, I should have done as you did for me. Protected you, cared for you. And even though you could have hurt me you didn't. And I want you to know I will never do that to you again."

Tears sparkled in Kiana's own eyes as she returned the tight hug, burying her face into Abby's shoulder. "Th-Thank you miss." Was all she said before pulling away. 

Abby nodded and took a small bite out of the cheese, and sure enough a few moments later, she stood on the floor in front of the counter, smiling down at Kiana. Her hands came down and lifted the Neko up, attempting to give the child a hug. "I promise, okay?"

"Does this mean we're friends miss?" Kiana asked quietly, looking up at the teen with her eye that wasn't swollen shut.

"You know I...I think it does. Yes." Abby's smile only grew as she now could see she wasn't truly alone. She had this sweet little kitten to look after, to protect, and most of all to just be a friend to.

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