- cinq -

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kinda 🚨 triggering i guess, but not overtly it's more like drawn conclusions

As expected, the Malfoy-Potter household was woken up early the next morning by the insistent tap-scratching of a ministry appointed owl at the bedroom window, a follow up owl during breakfast and a floo visit from Minister Shacklebot himself, who Scorpius was too young to remember fondly, but knows that that just means the man had been minister almost as long as he'd been alive.

As the room got more tense, the Dursleys excused themselves politely and took their leave, but not before Harry promised to call and help them go school shopping by September. Anita Lily and Lyra Narcissa were bobbing in their high chairs as the enchanted spoons fed them oatmeal while the rest of the kids sat around the table twitching with nervous energy.

"Harry. Draco," said Shacklebot, dusting himself off as he stepped out of the fireplace acknowledging both men. "Sorry to have to visit in these circumstances, but being that you two are the current guardians of Nicholas and Natalie Stevenson, you are both called to the hearing of Nicholas Stevenson for use of underage magic outside of Hogwarts. The trial is in three days."

"Kingsley," Harry said carefully, staring into the eyes of a man who fought with him through a war, who had fought wars before then, who has fought plenty of wars since. "What'll happen if he's found guilty? Will they send him to Azkaban? He's just a kid."

"I'm not sure anymore. Azkaban isn't as bad now that the dementors are gone and they're sending more and more people there. That's why I decided to come instead of sending anyone else." Kingsley placed his large hands on the now taller man's cheeks and stared into his eyes. "He's not your son Harry, they could pull him out of Hogwarts and send him off permanently and I don't think there'd be anything you coukd do to legally stop them. I have the final vote, but it's ultimately not my decision."

Draco cleared his throat and stepped forward with as much power as he could force forward.

"How can we stop him from getting kicked out? As his professors, couldn't we speak on his behalf? Or as his current guardians or-"

"It all depends on his parents' and his sister's testimony at this point," the minister said dropping his hands from Harry's face and turning to speak to the blond man, placing a hand on his bicep calmingly. "I'm sorry, but I must be heading out now."

He stepped back from both of them after patting both of them on the shoulder. He nodded and headed for the door to disapparate on the other side of the gate. When the huge dark oak doors of the manor closed behind him Scorpius was hugging his father from behind, both all pale skin and jutting angles.

"You c-c-can't let them t-take him out of school, Dads, p-please."

Harry had to practically pry the younger boy off of his husband as he replied.

"It's not really up to us anymore, Scorp." The darker man was running a soothing hand through his son's hair as he spoke. "We're going to try our best, but it's ultimately up to the Wizengamot."

"B-but you got Dad out w-when he had b-b-been working for Voldem-mort after the war. We learned that in class!" Scorpius pleaded.

"I'm not Harry Potter, The-Chosen-One, anymore though, Scorpius. Now, I'm just Professor Potter who married a Malfoy and has a house full of kids. I don't think anyone really wants to hear what I have to say..."

"As always," Draco cut in. "You're so bloody humble that you don't understand that all of wizarding Britain (and further) owes you their lives. Doesn't matter how long it's  been."

Scorpius tried not to snort, but Teddy had no problem doing it for him.

"You just never go anywhere, Pops," Teddy says. "And if you do, it's to muggle places. I can assure you that you still have plenty of admirers."

"When you were giving birth to tge girls, St. Mungos was practically under attack by paparazzi not to mention witches and wizards who weren't even affiliated with any papers who were trying to catch a glimpse of the great Harry Potter.

"Why does everything you say sound like an insult," Harry pouted, staring at his husband who only looked thoughtful for a moment.

"Probably because it usually is."

"What if- uh- What if I just went home?" Nick asked, speaking up for the first time all morning. "What if Nat just stayed here with you guys and I went home with my mum and...I mean, this is all my fault anyway. I made our dad upset and I stuck Nat to the wall. Maybe if I just went back home-"

"It's not your fault your father's a bloody psycho, I promise," Draco said kneeling a little in front of Nick who was still sitting at the dining room table with his head down.

"H-he's not. Things are just- uh- hard for him. And I shouldn't have said anything last night, I knew he was angry and I pushed it anyway..."

Draco stepped back as if he had been shocked before looking at an angrily nodding Natalie, as if she agreed with her brother. As if it was his fault. As if they got to choose what type of crazy their parents were. He turned his attention to the boys.

"Teddy, Scorp, take your sisters and go play in the nursery for a bit, yeah?" Draco said and when Scorpius tried to protest Harry spoke up.

"Now, boys."

Once the boys had taken the baby girls out of the room, the men led the Stevenson twins to a sitting room where they sat them in a two-seater couch before taking the arm chairs directly across from them.

"Listen," the blonde started softly, looking down at the black haired kids in front of them. "Both Harry and I went through bits of our childhoods that were full of abuse. Things we wanted to change, but didn't because we had been led to believe that ir was our fault. It doesn't matter what happened or what was said, if you don't feel safe in your own home that isn't your fault. That should never be your fault, okay?"

"But I should have just let him-" Nick started before shaking his head.

"Should have just let him what, Nick?" asked Harry, trembling with magic.

"Use my wand."

"Why didn't you? I thought your dad was a squib," the darker man said questioningly and the boy glanced at his sister before staring back down at the table.

"My dad only knows one spell. He's not a squib cause he has no magic at all, he's a squib cause his magical core is so small he can't do much magic even if he knows how."

"What spell does he know?" Draco asked softly.

"It's a stripping spell..." Nick said practically in a whisper, forcibly not looking protectively at his sister and in seconds, both Harry and Draco realized why they couldn't see bruises on Natalie the same way they saw them on her brother.

"I'm going to end him," Draco said abruptly, standing and walking from the room.

"Not without me," Harry agreed just behind him. When the twins tried to argue that they deserved it or that they were bad kids or whatever other bullshit they had been fed, by their father, the pale man raised his wands and strapped them into their seat before sending the lounge zooming up the stairs towards Scorpius' room.

"Boys!" he yelled up the steps.

"We'll be back!" his husband finished before wrapping a tight arm around his waist and apparating them back to the address he had just left the night before.


hey futher muckers

pic this time by my friend Rook
(he's such a nice person! i love him)

sorry about the angst
also sorry that this chapter was almost late

hope y'all enjoyed anyway
love y'all

-- angel janeé xoxo 💋

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