- quatorze -

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Once Neville and the Dursleys reached him, he thanked his friend and attempted to invite him for lunch but the other man declined, he had a date apparently and Harry whistled jokingly. He blushed but waved goodbye before turning off and heading towards the Leaky.

"Everything transfer alright?" Harry asked his cousin, as Ava ooh-ed and ah-ed at the window display in George's shop. Harry smiled down at her, but still waited for an answer.

"Yeah. And I- uh- I have the list of things she needs. Are you sure we can get all of this here?" the bigger man said nervously, scratching at the side of his nose.

"Course we can. I was thinking we could get her wand first then book it over to get her fitted for her robes before we miss that appointment." Harry started walking when Dudley didn't offer up any immediate disagreements.

"Er...where'd your kids go?" He asked omce they had walked into Ollivanders, waiting to be seen.

"Oh, probably over to the pub. Scorp has to eat before he takes his potions or they can upset his stomach."

"His potions?"

"Uh," said Harry, thinking of a way to simplify it, "He has attention problems and stuff, so he has prescription potions he has to take."

Dudley nodded as if he understood and Harry finally took in how absurd this was. How uncomfortable Dudley probably was and he didn't think before raising a hand and laying it on his shoulder. His cousin jumped and he smiled, only to contain his laughter.

"She'll be okay, Big D." He didn't know where the old nickname came from, but it was too late to take it back and even if he wanted to, it was Ava's turn to get a wand.

Suzanne paid no attention to the adults as she asked the young girl question after question before going down one of the long aisles and hopping onto a sliding ladder. She climbed up the the very top then pushed off into a flurry up and down the aisle, knocking more hair out of her bun so that there were more curls in her face than pinned behind her ears. She plucked box after box from the shelf until she had an armful of potential wands and she spun the ladder back towards the front of the shop before sliding down and marching back up to the counter and handing a short deep brown one to Ava.

Ava, for all her magical confusion, lifted the wand like it was a stick and waved it lightly, causing a bolt of lighting to strike the desk and a stack of books amd papers and tools in the corner to topple over, some of the feathers billowing into dust. She yelped as if the wand had bit her and tossed it back onto the counter.

"No," said Suzanne loftily, "that won't do. Try this one." She handed a slightly longer wand to the girl and watched as she set the trash bin on fire. A more curved wand sent boxes flying off the shelves. A thinner one singed a hole through the ceiling. There were two boxes left. Suzanne opened them both and grabbed the wand from the one closest to her, but before she could, Ava had already reached over and grabbed the long, curved, pale wand from the other.

The wand was about as long as her forearm, so around 8-inches, Harry figured, but it was bent in the middle as if it had been broken and grown back together at that angle. The handle was white and almost pearlescent, with runes etched into it. She waved it easily with a smile on her face, causing the store to light up as both her and the wand glowed. The smile on her face was almost just as breathtaking as the light surrounding her.

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