- dix-sept -

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Olivia Taylor stood frozen in the corridor, watching as Scorpius walked away from her with such an unwarranted purpose that it hurt. When she lost sight of him she ran to the only place she knew and banged on the door until Professor Potter came to the door with his usual messy hair looking even messier, wearing only a pair of plaid trousers and trying to force his torso into a t-shirt.

"Sorry to bother you this morning, Professor, but is Professor Malfoy here?"

"Uh," he said looking at her then back into the room, "yeah?"

"Can I speak to him?"

"Sure?" he agreed, though it came out more like a question.

Harry stepped back into the room and invited her in. Draco was sitting in an armchair near the window, having tea and looking over exams that needed grading. He was wearing a pair of fitted trousers with a short sleeve button up as if he had a meeting no one knew about but him.

"G'morning, Sir..." she didn't stutter, but she felt like she was tripping over the few words she had managed to mutter anyway. He looked up at her and she blurted out what she was going to say. "I just spoke to Scorpius and...I don't know. He doesn't seem like himself. I know he's been upset or whatever because his boyfriend broke up with him, but he's been like a zombie. And when I spoke to him just now..."

"Did he seem like he was going to hurt himself?"Draco said standing up, panicked, but still just as graceful and terrifying as his son.

"N-not really," she said getting nervous now. Were there signs she should have been looking for? She felt like a terrible friend. "But he didn't seem like he cared either way. I said something to him that I probably shouldn't have to- uh- to get a reaction, but he didn't get mad or anything...he just agreed with me."

"Well what did you say to him?" Harry asked, pulling on a pair of trainers and running a hand through his hair. She wouldn't look at them so he asked again.

"I called him a freak," she said crossing her arms and looking away. "He was just so numb, you know? I wanted him to get mad at me or something. I just wanted him to snap out of it...but he didn't. He just said he already knew that."

"Where was he headed," Malfoy said sliding on his own shoes much more gracefully then Harry could have managed.

"I don't know, he was stomping down the corridor. He never turned around, but it was like he was so sure of where he was going. Scorp's never sure of anything but his name, half the time."

"Where does Scorp like to go to be alone in the castle?" Harry asked, but he was aiming his question towards Draco, not Olivia.

"The library is always crowded so he wouldn't be there."

"The passage in the 5th floor corridor?"

"He got trapped in there last week trying to prank Teddy."

"Of course he did," Harry said with a fond sigh. "Then..." His eyes widened as they both think of something they probably should have realized before.

"The astronomy tower. Fucking hell!"

"Malfoy, language." But they were both  rushing towards the door.

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