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As it got closer to the school year, everyone had to start making preparations. Scorpius wasn't in the best of moods, but he remembered what Draco had said about taking that out on everyone else and he worked hard to keep his temper under control. Both Harry and Draco wanted to help, but they knew he had to deal with this by himself. Even Teddy was leaving him alone for fear of saying something he shouldn't.

"You're sure you can watch the girls?" Harry asked, while pulling his socks on and going in search of his trainers. Draco stared at him with a level gaze. "Oka~y. Well, I'm gonna go call Dudley."

"Is he going with you when you take the Stevensons to Diagon?" Draco said raising his wand and summoning Harry's shoes from downstairs near the door, handing them to him with a playful smirk. "Looking for these?"

"He is and I was," said Harry through a laugh, snatching the shoes away. "I'm going to show him around Diagon Alley, and take him to Gringott's to convert pounds to galleons so h-"

"I thought you had a lifetime ban from Gringott's?"

"So," he said dragging it out playfully, "Neville is taking him to Gringott's. Now, are the boys coming with me or are they ordering from catalogue this year?"

Draco snorts.

"They're going because Nick and Natalie are going, but they both have to get fitted for their updated robes and hats. They can get their books from catalogue so you don't have to carry them all back."

Harry nodded as he stood, fully dressed and moved closer to where Draco was leaning against their wardrobe, still in pajamas, to give him a kiss before rushing out the door and rounding everyone up.


"Neville, this is my cousin Dudley, and his daughter, Ava. Ava, Dudley, this is the herbology professor at Hogwarts, my friend, Neville Longbottom," he said, proud to introduce the dapper guy beside him as his friend. Neville had come such a long way from being that awkward kid with too big teeth and enough love to suffocate an erumpent. He still managed to love a ridiculous amount of people and extremely deadly plants, but he was more confident now.

"Nice to meet you," Neville said nodding at Dudley and smiling down at Ava. He reached a hand out for her to take or shake and she grabbed it excitedly. "Do you like flowers?"

"Yes! I used to help my mother in the garden all the time before my letter came," she said going from excited to confused to sad in the span of only a few seconds. Her father rubbed her head causing her to look up at him and take a deep breath. Harry wathed as Neville led them towards Gringotts and turned back around just in time to see Teddy trying to sneak off. Scorpius was sending soft smiles to Nick and Nat as they tried to talk to him and keep his mind off of his first heart break.

Harry cast a tempus and nodded to himself. They had at least another hour before they had to be anywhere else.

"Your appointment isn't until later. I set it so Ava could get fitted when you lot did. And I figured you guys probably wouldn't want to hang with me all day," he said the last part staring at Teddy and the blue haired boy grinned playfully at him.

"And you'd be absolutely right!"

"Don't stray too far, yeah?"

"We'll meet you at Madam M's at half past?"

"And Teddy-"

"Watch out for Scorp," Teddy finished for him. "Of course."

"I can look after m-myself," growled the blonde in question. "You're not my real dad and I don't n-need a babysi-sitter. You could have just left me with Dad if-"

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