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It takes a year and a half for their head of houses to let them onto the quidditch team and only because they thought the girls were too small and it would be too dangerous.

"But, Papa, you were on the quidditch team your first year!"

"Yeah, Papa, how is that fair?"

"Your father and I were both seekers, not chasers. We didnt have to worry about being attacked as often," Harry said, speaking as head of Gryffindor house, with a hand over his face.

"Not to mention first years aren't even allowed to try out for the team unless it's a special case," Draco added as head of Slytherin.

"S'not fair," Anita tried to argue and Harry only shrugged his shoulders.

"Life rarely is."

They were banned from try-outs first year. Second year they were both bested. Anita by a couple of fourth year boys who were acting as beaters and Lyra by a sixth year girl with a buzzcut dyed gray who made more successful passes and goals than her.

This year would be different. It was third year and they were each flanked by their younger brothers. James who had been sorted into Gryffindor her second year, was bouncing from foot to foot excitedly, ready to show his dad the best he could do. Gryffindor hadn't lost a house cup in five years and Harry wasn't just going to let them on the team because they were his children. Lyra had the opposite problem, she was trying to force her energy into Albus who stood beside her looking almost just like their dad, yet loosely wearing a Slytherin tie, while they waited for their turn on the brooms.

Cepheus was sitting on the bleachers watching them all with a soft smile. They seemed happy, so he was supposed to be happy for them, right? He would be their support! He was wearing ear muffs over a muffling spell to keep the loud sounds at a minimum.


"First Slytherin game of the year," Draco says pleasantly during family dinner that week. "And it's against Hufflepuff. Lyra, have you and Al been practicing those drills I showed you? They have an outstanding set of beaters."

"Yeah, 'Nita and Jamesie can't wipe the floor with you both if you can't even make it to the Gryffindor game," Harry adds in teasingly, making two of his children grin proudly.

"Oh you lousy lion, they only beat Ravenclaw 'cause Cepheus' team was rubbish," Draco argued though he looked at the boy with a grin. "You were bloody brilliant. Quickest snitch catch since your Dad used to play. You didn't know theu were going to score aa you caught it either."

His siblings nodded sagely.

"Yeah, the Ravenclaw keeper was rubbish. She just needs a bit more practice, is all. She's only a second or third year, I think. Riley Jay was keeper before her, remember? Then he graduated."

"Sarah's quite nice, I think," Cepheus says, though his hands move naturally forming the general signs as well. "She walks with me to class sometimes. Says we're friends."

"Well thats good, right?" Harry asked with raised eyebrows, glancing from his son to his husband. This was new! Cepheus was making friends with people other than his brothers and sisters.

"No. She doesn't know anything about wizard's chess and every time I try to show her she gets bored. She's nice to walk with me but I don't think I want to be her friend if she thinks I'm boring."

"Well I think your Aunt Hermione is boring sometimes, but we're still friends."

"But that's because Aunt Hermione doesn't know she's boring. Sarah told me that chess is boring. So she must think I'm boring. So we're not friends."

"Have you tried telling Sarah that? Or explaining how much wizard's chess means to you?" Draco asks carefully, placing down his eating utensils, and laying his hands in his lap. If he moved them too much or crossed his arms, Cepheus had the tendency to shut down.

"No. She doesn't ask."

"But if it bothers you, Cece, you should let her know," Harry says with a soft smile. The boy nods his confused agreement and dinner conversation goes back to quidditch.


The wind is whipping Lyra's hair across her neck even as it's pinned up into a ponytail and her grin is feral as she robs one of the Hufflepuff chasers of the quaffle. She is zooming across the pitch with a grin on her face, while Albus flies by knocking a bludger away from his sister.

"Thanks Al!" she yells back towards him giddily before continuing her race forward in the direction of Hufflepuffs keeper. Something about her expression or the way she flew at him without a care in the world must hve terrified him, because he dodged out of her way before she was even able to trick him into moving. She laughed while throwing the quaffle through the middle hoop. When he noticed her laughter he flew back into the ring and held firm. It was harder to get the ball past him after that.


Lyra is stomping off the field, while Albus is patting heer back awkwardly trying to console her even though they won the game. Their team captain, a sixth year named Harry after their dad (oddly enough), is tearing them a new one.

"Teamwork doesn't just mean the two of you working alone. It means we all work together. For Merlin's sake, it was the Lyra and Albus show out there today. Learn to pass the bloody ball, Potter!"

"I'd much rather you didn't yell at my sister," Albus says calmly, but his eyes are blazing as he looks at the older boy challengingly.

"Or what? Tell your dads on me, will you?"

"Yell at her again and you'll find out," Albus says not answering the question.

"I'm not scared of a second year," Harry says pushing both of them, "I don't care who your sodding parents are."

The boy doesn't have a moment to blink. One second he's antagonizing them, the next his face is throbbing from where Albus punched him and Lyra has her wand pointed at his face as if she's daring him retaliate. He's laid out on the ground with Albus' knee on his chest, somehow keeping the bigger boy from getting up. When the commotion around them get loud enough, Draco storms over.

"What the bloody hell is-" he pauses, takes a deep breath and turns to walk away. "Potter, your children have started a fight and I won't be getting in the middle of it."

"You're their sodding head of house!" he exclaims coming closer to the confrontation on the ground. "When they get good grades their yours but when they start a fight, their mine. Alright then," their Dad murmurs stomping closer and lifting Albus without much strain. "Lyra put your bloody wand down and head to my office."

"Yes, sir," she mumbles angrily, crossing her arms and marching off behind her dad.

"Malfoy, handle the rest of your team!" he says angrily pushing past his husband.

"Alright, Slytherins, someone is going to tell me what happened or everyone is going to get detention," Draco lectures just as Harry, Lyra and Albus exit the pitch.

Anita is running from the stands with James and Cepheus in tow after their dad.

"Papa! Wait-" she huffed with a bit of a laugh from behind him, all of them, making their way across the field to Hogwarts.


hey futher muckers

just some more episodic type living with the Malfoy-Potters

final chappie!!!

the epilogue should be up in a bit
and i'll be sure to make it super sweet & soft 😂😂

im lying

-- angel janeé xoxo 💋

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