Chapter 1

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Sunday morning, Vicky woke up and went downstairs to have a cup of coffee. The sun was shining outside, and Vicky let the sun bathe her face through the window, as she sat by her computer to drink her steam hot coffee.

As she looked at the screen, she noticed an advertisement on the homepage she visited, about a concert with her favourite guitarist. She decided she had to go and see the gig, even though it was about 2 hours away by plane.

Vicky was so excited about it, so she called her friend in England. "Caroline is that you? Listen, do you have a spare room for me, because there is this awesome concert I absolutely have to attend..." Vicky said, without giving her friend a chance to answer. "Easy now Vicky. Who is playing and when?" Caroline said giggling.

"Oh, sorry Caroline. I am just excessively excited. Brian May is playing near you in June! I have to see him, as I was only a little girl when he played in Queen". Caroline shook her head with a broad smile. "Listen Vicky. You are always welcome to stay. Let us go out together and see the concert, as I love his music too." "See you soon Caroline" Vicky said happily, and hung up the phone.

She sat down by her computer and ordered front row tickets for both of them, and plane tickets for herself. She was so excited about finally going to see her big idol.

2 months later

Vicky sat in the airplane, and looked out the window, as she approached the airport. In about 4 hours, she was going to see her big idol. Caroline picked her up at the airport, and talked about what they expected of the concert, while they drove to her place.

When they arrived, Vicky headed for the bathroom to make herself ready. For some reason it was very important for her to look good this day. When she came out of the bathroom, she went to her room, opened her suitcase, and drew out a red dress.

Vicky went downstairs, waiting for her friend to get ready. "Oh my god Vicky. You look like a million. So are you planning hitting on him since you are so nicely dressed?" Caroline giggled when she saw Vicky's face turning blood red. "I am just joking sweetie. So, are we ready to go?" Caroline asked, and went for the door. She locked the door, and went for the car.

When they arrived, many people was waiting outside. Some of them hoping for a glimpse of Brian outside stage. Caroline and Vicky found their seats and started to small talk, and before they knew it, the light was fading.

Vicky's heart started to beat faster, and suddenly Brian entered the stage. She could not take her eyes away from him, and for a short moment, which seemed to last forever, he looked her in her eyes. She blushed heavily, and of course, Caroline noticed, whispering in the ears, "You are blushing hun." Vicky turned to her and whispered, "I am most definitely not. It's just very hot in here." Vicky said, still blushing.

"Vicky, shhh, look, he is looking at you again." Caroline whispered amazed in Vicky's ear.

Vicky turned her head toward the stage, and there she met his deep hazel eyes. She could vaguely hear her friend silently express a "wow". Vicky felt everyone around her vanish. It was as if it was only him and her in the room.

Suddenly she heard him say, "So many lovely people gathered here today. Is it happening?!" Brian yelled. A loud roar of "yeah!" emerged in the room. Brian took his Red Special and started to jam. Vicky knew the song and loved it. When Brian started to sing the lyrics, he looked Vicky straight in the eyes again.

You and me
We are destined
You'll agree
To spend the rest of our lives
With each other
The rest of our days
Like two lovers
Forever - yeah - forever

My bijou...

Vicky was dazed and confused after the concert. "I can't believe he was staring at you like that. It's just, wow!" Caroline said repeatedly. "Well I guess he does that all the time at gigs like these. It was probably nothing." Vicky said, trying to convince herself it did not matter. "Write him." Caroline suddenly said. "Write him what? Oh, hello Brian. Do you remember me from last night's concert? I felt you stared me in the eyes the whole evening. Wanna date? I am going to sound like an idiot Caroline if I do that."

"Well if you don't try, nothing will happen." Caroline said softly and hugged her friend.    

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