Chapter 7

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Thirty minutes later, Brian had unpacked everything from the boot, and had started to put up the telescope they were going to use to stargaze. Meanwhile, Vicky had placed the folding chairs next to each other. It took her awhile, as she could not stop gazing at the beautiful scenery on the mountainside.

"There we go" Brian said, satisfied with assembling the telescope. "Now we just have to wait for the Sun to set." He continued looking at Vicky.

"Vicky? Hello, Earth calling" Brian said with a smile on his face. She reminded him of himself when he saw the scenery for the first time.

"Oh, sorry Brian. I just cannot stop looking at this scenery. It looks like we are on an alien planet or something like that." Vicky replied, with a calm voice.

"Yes I know. You are not the first to say something like that. Neil Armstrong actually said that this landscape was the closest thing to the Moon he had ever seen." Brian said with a serious voice. He remembered when he saw the moon landing for the first time. A time when Vicky was not even born.

Suddenly he felt very old, looking at this beautiful woman standing next to him. He could not help feeling fragile and thinking that she deserved better than an old man like him.

"Well, I am starving. Let's grab something to eat" Vicky said, forcing Brian out of his daydreaming.

"Yes that sounds wonderful. I will unpack the basket and see what she put in there for us." He responded, heading for the basket. There were many delicious tapas in there, and he could feel his stomach rumbling. He also saw what the receptionist had put in there for a surprise. It was a CD with one of his favourite groups, and he knew what her intention was. She was such a romantic.

"We have a long night ahead of us," Brian said, while eating some of his tapas. "If we want to see the zodiacal light, we have to wait until we approach dawn." He said while looking at Vicky.

She nodded. "A whole night with Brian. Just him and I. I must be dreaming." She thought while she peeked at him and blushed heavily.

Vicky rested her hand on the armrest. Their chairs were so close to each other, so she did not notice how close her hand was to Brian's hand.

"It's so beautiful to see the Sun setting." Vicky said overwhelmed.

Brian looked at her. She was so beautiful sitting and gazing at the Sun. He took a deep breath. His hand silently moved towards her hand. His heart started to beat faster. He had to try to see what her reaction to this would be.

Vicky could feel Brian's hand touch her hand. She closed her eyes, avoiding looking at him. Her heart was running faster than a rocket going to the Moon. Her hand turned around spreading her fingers, so their hands intertwined.

"Vicky. You have to see this. The Sun is almost gone," Brian said softly. Vicky opened her eyes. She opened her eyes, and looked Brian in the eyes. Sparks were flying.

They were sitting like that for a couple of minutes. Staring into each other's eyes. "Brian. You are so handsome," Vicky said still staring him in the eyes. "It's been a long time since I was handsome," he said with a sad giggling.

"No Brian. When I look you deep into your eyes, I can still see the boy inside you." She said her face turning blood red.

Brian's eyes got wet and he turned away his face. He rose up from the chair, and walked a while, until he stopped. Vicky could see his shoulders shake, and walked after him. "Brian, what's wrong? Did I do something to make you sad?" she asked nervously.

"Oh no, no, no. It is just... It's... such a long time since someone has said such a sweet thing to me." He said, getting emotional again. Without hesitation, Vicky wrapped her arms around him, and leaned her head against his chest. She could feel his hair tickling her nose, and could feel his relaxing heartbeat.

The Sun was almost gone now, but they did not notice it at all. Brian rested his head on her head, and pulled her closer. He could smell her lovely scent. After a while, they separated a bit, and stared into each other's eyes.

Brian broke the silence. "Let's go over to our spot again. It's almost dark, and we don't want to miss the beginning on the starry night do we?" Brian said and headed over to their chairs. He pulled a blanket and a sleeping mat out from the basket, and flung himself onto it.

Vicky followed him, and before they knew it, stars emerged on the sky. It was like seeing thousands of sparkling diamonds. Vicky was breathless. She had never watched a scenery as beautiful as this. "Do you want to see some planets?" he asked her. "Sure! Can you show me Saturn? And Venus?" she asked eagerly. Brian laughed about her enthusiasm. "Sure. Come this way," he said heading where he had put his telescope. He carefully adjusted it to the right spot.

"There we go. Look." He said leading Vicky towards the telescope. She looked, and there it was. Beautiful Saturn, with all the visible rings. She gasped. "Wow. Oh dear it's stunning". "Let me adjust it, so you can see Venus" he said. "Do you want to learn how to do it?" he asked her.

"Sure!" she said. "Ok, come over here. Put your hands here and here." Brian showed her. She could feel his slender hands taking control over hers, and her heart started beating faster again. She could not concentrate on what he told her, because she focused on his hands touching hers.

Venus emerged in front of her eyes. I was just a very bright planet she saw. It was not as beautiful as Saturn had been, but it was still amazing to see it as close as this.

"Thank you for showing me this Brian. I am very grateful for this." She said.

"Do you want to stargaze again? We still have some hours until the time where it's best to watch zodiacal light." and continued "I better set an alarm in case we fall asleep." He giggled.

They laid down and watched the stars. Vicky curled up against Brian and he hugged her tighter. She placed her head on his chest and fell asleep to the sound of his heartbeat.

Brian could not sleep. He was happy. Happier than he had been for years.

The alarm beeped, and they both opened there eyes. Brian had eventually fallen asleep despite the fact that he had wanted to gaze at Vicky the whole night.

They sat up, wrapped in a blanket. Brian put his arm around Vicky's shoulder, and pulled her against him. Suddenly they saw the light.

"Wow. I can't believe how beautiful it is." Vicky said stunned. She cuddled up against Brian, who felt it hard to concentrate on the light. He had to bend his legs, as he could feel the fabric getting tighter.

"Oh no. What will she think of me if she notice is?" He thought a little panicked. "I have to see what she says to the surprise. Thank god it's still a bit dark so she won't see what's wrong with me."

He walked over to the basket, and pushed the CD in the car stereo. "Please join me in this dance," he said, offering Vicky his hand.

She looked up at him and saw him smiling. "No one will notice. We are all alone." He said and pulled her up.

The music started, and while they danced, she looked him deep into his eyes. He pulled her closer, and she rested her head on his chest and closed her eyes. She could hear him sing along with a silent voice. Hear heart floated with emotions. She had never been as happy as now.

Her heart skipped a beat, when she listened to Brian singing again

I need you so, that I could die
I love you so and that is why
Whenever I want you
All I have to do is dream

Dream, dream, dream
Dream, dream, dream, dream
Dream, dream, dream, dream

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