E5 Part 6: How will my child be evaluated?

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The next thing Shinji knew, they were all crowded outside of the door to the chemistry lab. Even Misato stood off to the side, cell phone pressed to her ear, a sour expression on her face. Shinji tried not to look at her.

The Doctor had shut the door behind him. Inside the lab, Shinji heard cabinets being thrown open and objects being tossed around, punctuated, every now and again, with the sound of something expensive shattering into pieces.

"Hey, Shinji." Toji poked him in the back. "Look -- just who the hell is this guy?!"

"Is he really -- like -- a secret agent for the UN?" Kensuke asked, a fascinated gleam in his eye.

Shinji shrugged. "Um. I guess."

"Do you think we can trust him, though?" Hikari whispered. Her eyes darted to the lab door and back. "I mean, I know he's a teacher, but..."

"Uh..." Shinji scratched the back of his head. "I think we should listen to him."

"So he actually knows what he's doing? He's not just some kind of crazy person from off the street?"

Shinji hesitated. "I... I think we should listen to him."

The Doctor flung the lab door open. "Shinji? Perfect!" He shoved a pile of plastic into Shinji's arms. "Here, put this on. Ms. Ayanami -- I need you to check this whole floor. Bring me any cleaning bleach you can dig up." Rei nodded and disappeared. "Captain -- what's the word?"

Misato crossed her arms. "The science division is still running simulations. But it seems that you might have a point."

"Brilliant!" The Doctor grinned. "Love it when that happens. Well, not that there was any doubt. But the peer review's always nice." Misato rolled her eyes. "Now - I think I can put something together in here. But I'm going to need a good half-hour or so. Think you can hold the barricades that long?"

"Depends. What kind of something are we talking about?"

"Chemical mixture." The Doctor pinched the bridge of his nose. "Nonlethal. Aerosal-based. Won't affect any of us, but should react with the hydrogen in that other lot's bloodstreams. Keep them from detonating themselves while sedating them. We'll have to flood the building with it somehow. Maybe push it out through the heating vents..."

"We're closer to the cooling tower on the roof," Misato said. "That way, we'll at least have air support."

"Fine. Just be careful - there's no telling what might set them off. And non-lethal ordinance only! I mean it!" Misato narrowed her eyes. The Doctor grinned again and rubbed his hands together, without any apparent concern for the fact that he'd just ordered the city's military commander around as he would a waitress. Shinji winced. "Right, then! No time to waste!" He vanished back into the lab.

They all stared at the lab door for a moment. Misato shook her head angrily. "God," she growled under her breath. "Why do the cute ones always have to be so much damn trouble?"

Shinji looked up at her. "Wait, what?"

"Nothing. Never mind." She turned and marched down the hallway. Kongo shrugged and trudged after her.

Shinji watched her go, then looked down at what the Doctor had handed him. It took him a second to recognize it as a bright yellow hazardous materials suit, like he'd seen in movies, complete with a bulky transparent hood and an attached respirator. He blinked. Maybe the Doctor wanted him to help out in the lab, or something?...

"Um, Shinji?" Kensuke coughed awkwardly. "Been meaning to ask... could you do me a favor?"

"Uh, sure. What?"

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