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"Ash, you do not need that much luggage we are only going for a week." I grunted, lifting up the heavy bag and putting it in the car. "That's everything."

"I pack for every occasion." She smiled climbing into the car next to Lucas, I haven't spoken to him since the race, I don't feel the need to and I don't want to. I sat in the car next to Tyler and put my earphones in straight away, letting the music drown out the noise of Lucas and Ashley behind me. I feel so drained; I am tired of trying with Lucas especially if all he is going to do is make matters worse.

The cabin is about four hours away which makes for a long-ass car journey, which then turns into five hours if you factor in stops. One we are currently at- I had one earphone in and one at while chewing on some fries from the meal I had bought.

"You okay?" Tyler asked me eating his lunch too.

"Yeah, I'm just tired." I said faintly, smiling at him- he pressed a light kiss to my lips and tucked my hair behind my ear. The car started up again and we were back to the road, I attempted to fall asleep but unlike the two love birds in the back, I couldn't get to sleep.

"You have got to stop being mad at Luke." Tyler said, I checked the back and made sure that they were both asleep and made sure I whispered so the boy's parents wouldn't be able to hear.

"I'm not mad at him." I whispered. "He could've died last week and where would that have left you? Your parents? What he does is dangerous and you need to stop him."

"You need to drop this Riles, he is going to do whatever he wants and no one can change his mind." Tyler fought back.

"So, if you get the shit beat out of you again, then that's okay too?" I asked.

"Just drop it." Tyler whispered, putting his arm around me and pulling me close to him, I wanted to push him away but I knew it would make things weird so instead I curled into him and shut my eyes trying to fall asleep once more.

After a couple more hours, we finally arrived at the cabin- twigs cracked under my feet as I stepped out of the car, the air smelling of wood and damp bark. I lazily walked over to the trunk and began to take the bags out, putting them on the floor so the others could pick up their things. Once it was empty we followed Tyler's parents up to the door and made our way inside, I smiled at the family photos that littered the walls and started up the stairs to find Tyler's room.

It wasn't hard to miss; his name was printed on the door in big blue letters- something he obviously had done as a child- it was cute. I opened the door and saw a simple bed room, a bed with blue sheets, a set of drawers and a table with a lamp on it. I laid the suitcase on the bed and began to unpack, a pair of arms snaking their way around my waist and latching onto me, I smiled and relaxed into Tyler's hold- warm and familiar, reminding me of home.

We couldn't ignore each other for more than a couple of hours- our little spat in the car now forgotten and dealt with. I carried on unpacking, putting the clothes in little piles ready to be put away- is that what 'adulting' feels like? Not sure if I like it.

"When mom and dad are asleep we're going in the hot tub." Tyler said resting his head on my shoulder.

"Just us?" I asked, hoping, praying.

"With Luke and Ash." He added and tried my best not to be disappointed, I should've known though. "We are going to have a few drinks, play a couple of games- it'll be fun!" I nodded and broke away from him, turning around a pressing a kiss to his cheek before putting all the clothes away.

Since it was quite late when we arrived at the cabin, Tyler's parents ordered take out and brought it back for us all to eat. We sat together around the fire, enjoying burgers while some music played in the background. At about midnight, Tyler's parents finally decided to go up to bed, the faces of those around me lighting up with joy as they walked up the stairs, Lucas ran into the kitchen and returned with a cooler of beers and we walked through the cabin to the back, where the hot tub was. Lucas set the cooler down next to the hot tub and took off the cover, to reveal beautiful, bubbling, blue water.

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