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Josh and I made small talk as we stacked the shelves at work, mostly about Lucas- much to my dismay. I kept trying to turn the conversation to something else but evidently the universe is against me and brought it straight back to Lucas.

"Do you know whether he's going to do another race?" Josh asked. I shook my head, feeling sick at the thought.

"I hope not, I hate going to those things." I admitted.

"Why?" Josh questioned.

"I don't see the point in them." I muttered. We carried on chatting while we worked and when it was time to finish I gave him a hug goodbye and met Tyler outside. I kissed him on the cheek and put my seatbelt on. After driving around for five minutes, I realised we weren't going back to my house, I kept silent until we pulled up at Tyler's house.

"I thought you were taking me home?" I asked.

"I have some work to do, so I was hoping we could stay here." He said, I couldn't be bothered to argue with him so I just nodded my head and made my way into the house. As soon as I opened the door I heard a huge "Surprise!"

I jumped and ran my eyes over the crowd of people who study before me, friends from school and some family members. Then I remembered that it is my birthday tomorrow- with everything going on I had completely spaced on it.

"Wow." I said standing in awe.

"Were you surprised?" Ashley asked coming up and giving me a hug.

"Yeah, I had no idea." I said slightly smiling back at her. I looked down at the clothes I was wearing and realised I wasn't exactly dressed for a party. 

"I have your things upstairs, let's go get ready." She said dragging me up the stairs and into Tyler's room. I saw a huge duffle bag on the bed and rummaged through it finding clothes and makeup. I picked out an outfit and started on my makeup, trying to be as quick as possible. Once I was done, I left my hair natural and put a few necklaces, including the one Lucas had bought me. I left my hair natural and then slipped into the clothes I had picked- a black, scallop halter neck bodysuit and pale pink dress-trousers. I looked in the bag for some shoes but only found heels. I slipped on the same shoes I wore for Tyler's party and exited the room. 

"Damn girl." Ashley said once she saw me.

"Thank you." I smiled, we linked arms and walked down the stairs. When back with everyone else, I poured myself an unusually strong alcoholic drink and decided to forget about all my problems for a moment. Tyler grabbed me by the waist and kissed me harder than usual, all I could taste was vodka, I smiled and kissed his neck. 

"Time to open your presents!" He shouted dragging me into the kitchen where all my presents were sitting on the table. I received a few vouchers and cute things from friends, from my parents I got a pair of earrings, from my brother; a new camera lens, from Tyler's parents; a framed picture of us all at the cabin, from Tyler; something from Victoria secret that I was instructed not to open in front of company and from Ashley; some clothes vouchers. I smiled and thanked everyone for their kindness. Suddenly, Lucas handed me another present.

"Sorry I left it in my room." I thanked him and opened it, revealing the book 'Great Expectations'.

"Your favourite, thank you." I put all the gifts to one side and then joined everyone in the living room where music was blasting- all the parents and older family members were enjoying themselves outside. I excused myself to go to the bathroom, where I saw my drunk reflection in the mirror and smiled to myself. I opened the door and collided with another body, I looked up to see Lucas looking a little dishevelled.

"Sorry." I muttered trying to get past him, but he held my waist so I couldn't move.

"Don't be." He leaned down and kissed my neck, in a similar place to where I had kissed Tyler a couple of hours ago. "That necklace looks stunning on you." I smiled faintly and looked back up at him. Lucas smiled, in his devilish way and leaned down to kiss me ever so slightly, then moved out the way. I walked away and back into the room of people, pretending nothing had happened.

The house was silent, everyone had either left or was asleep. I brought my knees up to my chest and looked at Tyler- lying on his stomach after we had just had sex. I started editing some pictures after experimenting with the new lens Mike had bought me but the alcohol was now wearing off and I felt guiltier with every passing second. I slipped on one of his t-shirts and made my way down stairs, I spotted the book Lucas had given me sitting in the kitchen with the other gifts and picked it up- making my way into the garden. I sat down in one of the deck chairs and opened the book to the first page seeing 'Property of Lucas Christopher Matthews, aged 9' scrawled in the top corner. 

"Aged nine?" I muttered to myself. Out of curiosity I flipped through the book and saw worn pages, some which had bent corners, some with words highlighted and notes littering the pages. 

This was Lucas' copy. 

I flipped back to the beginning of the book and started reading, taking in all the notes- this boy had poured his heart and soul into this book. 

"What are you doing up this late?" Lucas said moving a deck chair in front of me and sitting down. 

"Couldn't sleep." I stated.

"That seems to be a recurrence with you at the moment." He said, sounding concerned. 

"Worried about me?" I teased.

"Always." He responded. "What're you reading?" 

"You're favourite," I responded, "It's yours isn't it? The copy?" 

"Yeah, I found my old copy weeks ago." He said, why wouldn't he just give me his new one. 

"I don't think I can accept this." I mumbled running my finger down the page.

"Tough." He smirked, Lucas got up and kissed me on the lips, walking back towards the house, but before he made it inside, he turned around. "Holden told me about what happened the other day." 

"And?" I sighed, of course Holden told him.

"You should stay away from that shit." He warned.

"You do it." I stated.

"Doesn't mean you should." I sighed, hearing his footsteps go back into the house. He isn't the boss of me and I can do whatever the fuck I want.


Here you go, hope you enjoyed it.

Thanks for sticking with me. 


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