Falling For My Teacher: Chapter 7

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Mr.Grayson's (Kyle's) POV

Before I could even realize it, her lips were pressed hard against mine. She must have shocked herself also since her eyes went wide and she pulled away almost immediately. I couldn't help but frown to myself at the loss of her touch.

"I-I um I'm so sorry. I d-didn't mean to...."

I'm confused. First she wants me to leave her alone and now she just ups and kisses me. I want to know what's going on in her head. But I'm to shocked to say anything right now.


She stands in front of me while fiddling with her thumbs, clearly showing how nervous she was. After finally composing myself, I begin to talk. Well the closes to talking I could get.

"So um, what was that all about?"

Her face goes even redder then it already was. If that was even possible. She stumbles over her words as she replies.

"I-I um don't know actually."

I raise a brow at her, knowing there was more to this. I cross my arms and wait for her to continue talking.

"I guess I was getting frustrated since you were....."

She trails off, mumbling the last part so I couldn't hear.

"Since I was what?"

She sighs and talks again, straitening her posture as much as she could.

"Well, it felt like you were avoiding me and I-I guess I got a little you know, annoyed. I know I told you off that day, telling you to leave me alone. But I got a strange and very unpleasant feeling when you wouldn't even so much as look at me, whatsoever. I kind of figured it was because I did something wrong b-but I didn't know for sure what was wrong with you which is why I wanted you to tell me. You looked stressed and I wanted to know if I was the cause of it."

She let's out a well needed breath after her rant. It took me a while to comprehend what she was saying.

"So when I was avoiding you, you didn't like it right?"

She nods her head, a hint of regret in her icy blue eyes. So that's what this is all about. I mean she wasn't wrong when she said I was avoiding her. I just didn't know she didn't like it. I mean hell, how was I supposed to. Her exact words were 'stop using me for your man needs'.


"Well I'll get to lunch now."

At that second the tardy bell rings, signaling that she should've been in the cafeteria right now.

"How about I write you a pass in case an administrator asks where you were."

She smiles and nods her head in agreement. I write the pass on a blue sticky note and hand it to her.

"Well, see you later."

She turns around to walk out the door but I grab her wrist and pull her into my embrace. She tenses but eventually relaxes into the hug and puts her arms around my waist.


I whisper in her ear. For some reason I just felt the need to say that. Yes, im head over heels for her looks and stuff like that, but I also respect her. She then buries her head into my chest. God it was cute.

"Its fine"

I finally found it in myself to release her and she walks out the door and heads to lunch. Wow, I'm literally falling for my student.

McKenzie's POV

'Well that turned out alright' I thought to myself. But I'm still surprised that I did that. The urge just came over me for some reason and before I knew what I was doing, it just happened.

Falling For My Teacher {COMPLETED} *Where stories live. Discover now