Falling For My Teacher: Chapter 18

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Kyles POV

I had been looking for Kenzie everywhere wondering where the hell she could have gone? I had stopped by my house, picking up a couple things I needed. Tomorrow was Saturday so I didn't have work. Either way, I wasn't going to stop until I found her.

I decided not to tell anyone until it got serious. It would be dumb of me to do that when all it would do was worry the hell out of them. Just as I was about to leave back out my phone rang. I didn't want to answer it at this moment but it could be important.

I fish my phone out my pocket and look at the caller ID. It was Kenzie. I immediately dropped all of my things and swiped my hand across the screen, answering the call.

"Kenzie! Where the-"

"I think we should break up."

She said as she cut me off. I stayed silent wondering if I had heard correctly.


I voiced out in barely a whisper. Why would she say something like that?

"I said I think we should break up, sorry."

"McKenzie where are you?"

I ask swiftly.

"I'm fine, I just had to run an important errand. I was going to call but I was in a rush."

I didn't believe that for even a second. Why is she lying?


"Bye Kyle. See you around."

I hear the line go dead, indicating she had ended the call. Bringing the phone back down to my side, I just sit down and stare in front of me. Questions filling my head. She didn't even give me a reason as to why.

Wave of emotions boil over me. Anger, sadness, concern and hurt.  There was a reason why and I was going to find that out.

Standing back up, I scurry out the door and lock it behind me. Not caring that the lights were left on. I shut the car door and drove off to Kenzies house. Trying my best to calm myself before I got there.

No way she could have made this decision on her own. Finally reaching her house, I hop out the car and knock on her door. Well bang actually, to tell the truth. I heard shuffling of feet and then the door nob twist as the person opens the door. It was Jake.


He says in a whisper yell, looking back into the living room where I'm guessing Kenzie was.

"Jake who is it?"

"Just a friend of mine. I'll be back I promise."

He steps outside, making sure to shut the door behind him.

"Kenzie must have told you what she did."

He nods his head slowly before finally talking.

"There is no way she would break up with you willingly. This had to be by force! She is a freaking wreck right now!"

He says while trying to keep his cool. So I was right. But why would she do it?

"Can I talk to her?"

"Yeah, that's probably the best thing right about now."

I opened the door and walked in, with Jake following closely behind. Where's her mom? I think back and realize Kenzie told me she was on a date. Looking around, I spot her sitting on the couch with a blanket covering her body and eyes red from crying.

Falling For My Teacher {COMPLETED} *Where stories live. Discover now