Falling For My Teacher: Chapter 17

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McKenzie's POV



School had just ended and we were walking towards Kyles car. I just got through from begging him to take us to subway. Like I said before, I might be slim but when I want food I'm gonna get it. After he had finally agreed we both got in his car, shutting our doors behind us.

On the drive there I captured my hand in his as a thank you. I knew he just wanted to go home and order something while we just cuddled close to one another. A smile appears on his face as he tightens the grip on our hands.

I love the feeling of them. They were big and soft. My hand somehow just fit so perfectly in his. My thoughts are interupted when I see Kyles brows furrow. He kept looking from the rearveiw mirror and back onto the road.

"Hey babe, everything ok?"

"Yeah. . .It's just that car behind us is way to close for my liking."

Did he think it was following us or something? Nah, that can't be it. Right? Just as I begin to think of all possible scenarios as to why the car was behind us, Kyle sped up a little. Causing a gap which another car filled so the one before wasn't behind us anymore.

I could hear him softly sigh at not seeing the car no longer in our site. Sometimes he worries to much. I just give a smile showing everything was fine. He returns it just as much. Is this what it's like to be with someone you lo- like. It's like we don't even have to talk to understand each other.

We reach the subway closest to Kyle's house, choosing that one since it wouldn't be any students from the highschool there. A week and five school days left. We can hid it till then right? It shouldn't be that hard. I mean we lasted this long.

A smile maneuvers its way up to my face as Kyle puts and arm around my waist, guiding me into the building. Soon as we walked in all those delicious smells hit me. Being as hungry as I was, my mouth literally almost watered.

I told him what I wanted on my sub and sat at a table. My phone vibrated and I instantly pulled it out. It was Jake telling me how much Kriss and him have been getting along the past couple days. It is adorable, really. Seeing him all exited about the small boy.

My thoughts were interrupted as I feel another human presence at the table. Automatically thinking it was Kyle, I smile and look up. But instead it was two men dressed in black button down shirts along with black dress pants. Why are they matching, weird. One of them starts talking, removing me from my train of thought.

"Are you McKenzie Johnson?"

The taller of the two said. He was big, tall and muscular. His shades made him look mysterious. Like he had a secret that could cost him his life if he ever shared it with the world. I raise an eyebrow and hesitantly begin to talk.

"Um, who's asking?"

"Listen little girl,"

The shortest of the two begins to talk, pausing mid sentance before continuing.

"We don't have time for this. Just come with us and there won't be any problems."

I scoff while glaring at the two men. There was no way I was just gonna walk off with some freaks just because they said so.

"No way, now leave you weirdos."

Probably not the best choice of words but these two are really starting to piss me off.


He said through gritted teeth. I could tell he was loosing his patience.

"If you don't stop being a stubborn baby and come with us like we asked. There may or may not just be a nasty incident involing your lover boy over there."

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