You're Just In Time!(Beating Writer's Block)

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I'm going to be honest with you, being a writer has it's ups and downs. (*scoffs and crosses arms* You can say that again.)

You start a book that you can't finish 😳

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You start a book that you can't finish 😳. You lose inspiration 😔. You find that nothing seems to fit 😣. (You write the first three chapters of a great idea, reread them despite the pleas from your sister not to, determine that everything you've ever written in your entire life must be complete crap 🤦🏽‍♀️. Then you start to question why you even decided to be a writer if you're not even that good 😩. I mean, we've all been there, right? *crickets chirping  fills the air as the room remains silent* Just me, then. Okay.)

(Don't worry we've all been there)

On the flip side of all that is the wonderful feeling of creating a world that only you truly understand. You have the power to move us. To make us laugh 😂, cry 😭, squeal 🙈 and dance 💃🏻 around with delight. There is an amazing feeling to know that someone has read your work and dropped their phone because they got so excited. (You start writing your acceptance speech for when you inevitably win the noble prize for literature. *more crickets* Really? Still just me?)

(😳 Yup just you.)

So! I want to spend this chapter helping you find ways to be able to keep going when it looks like it's getting hard. First we'll start with time.

I'm guessing a lot of your struggle is with finding time to write. I know I've had the same struggle. I'm going to tell you a secret. *Leans in* There is always time to write. You just have to find it. It doesn't matter if you are full time student working a job, there is time.

Now! Where is this elusive time?! Well that's what you need to decide. I say start with the fifteen minutes you would take on social media to write part of a chapter. Maybe skip a TV show for one night and write. That is the hardest part, cutting something that you always do. But if you are determined enough, the time will make itself known! Trust me!

I started writing for fifteen minutes as I waited to pick my sister up from the train. Fifteen minutes each day and here I am. The same goes for you!

So search and you might be surprised with what you find!

So search and you might be surprised with what you find!

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