7 Plot Points

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Ha! We have come to the reason you picked up this book (metaphorically because technically you just clicked on it.) I'm going to explain to you the 7 Plot Points of a book. These are general guide lines that will help you develop a well structured plot.

As I go through the points I will being using A Second Chance (ASC) as an example so you understand what I'm talking about. (Warning: I don't give away much but in not giving you spoilers it might not be clear. So if you haven't read it, jump over and read it. It will take you about a day, or so people have told me)

On we go! (#TeamKannon4Ever)

Plot Point 1: Old Normal

This is where you talk about the world you are creating and what the general rules of it are. (For instance if there is magic, you talk about magic in a casual way so we understand that's how things go)

 (For instance if there is magic, you talk about magic in a casual way so we understand that's how things go)

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(That is normal for Inception)

ASC example: The book starts off with Lennon in the lobby of a record label. Quickly we find out: she is a singer, Kade Mathews is part of Hey Farewell a huge pop band and has been doing an apology tour, Lennon came up from doing small shows and this is the big leagues.

There is more stuff you learn (like the fact that Kade is a total babe), but you get the general idea. It's about introducing the world that we (as the reader) will be inhabiting for the next few hundred pages or so.

Plot Point 2: Inciting Incident

Here something happens to change up your character's world. It could be meeting the new guy, moving, an explosion or someone dying. It is the moment that sets the whole story in motion.

ASC example: Lennon gets asked to date Kade

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ASC example: Lennon gets asked to date Kade. That is the moment the story takes a different turn for Lennon. She was expecting just to open for Hey Farewell, now she's asked to date Kade. (Sounds like the deal of a lifetime, if you ask me.)

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