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JOSH walked into the room and sat down in the seat next to mine. Ashley was nervously sitting next to me, and Chris was across from Josh—so, to my left.

"So, how do we even play this game?" Ashley asked, looking to Chris for the answer.

Chris read from the instructions blankly, "Well, it says here to communicate with the spirit world, you must free your mind of all preconceptions, drop all inhibitions, and generally give yourself over entirely to the will of others, sublimating your every desire to the spirit master, which is me!"

Ashley rolled her eyes and argued, "I'm sure it doesn't say that—"

"And all present will remove their garments at my sole discretion," Chris interrupted and pointed his finger at her, continuing to read the instructions.

This time Josh spoke up, "Chris," Josh huffed, "This is serious. Stop playing around."

Chris shook his finger and grinned, "Oh, I'm deadly serious."

I giggled, but had to stop myself. It wasn't the mood, time, or place to be laughing at Chris' impressive British accent. It was challenging.

With that, we all placed our hands on the spirit board. Josh and Chris looked rather determined and proud to be doing this, but Ashley was expressing the fear that was stirring in my stomach. I guess that I am a bit better at hiding my feelings, because Ashley looks absolutely scared shitless to be doing this.

"Ash," Chris turned his head to his crush, "Why don't you start us off by asking the questions?"

Ashley shook her head, backing out of being the messenger. "I'm not doing it."

"Essence?" Chris turned to me. I nodded, gulping. I took a few deep breaths. Everything will be okay.

"Is anyone there? If you are, can you reveal yourself?" My voice cracked.

Everything will be okay other than my voice.

What frightened me was the fact that the Ouija Board started to move. And I wasn't doing it.

"Hol-ee shit," Josh mumbled.

Chris widened his eyes, "Are you doing this?" He gulped to Ashley. She shook her head.

"I'm not doing anything!" She defended herself as the Ouija Board started to spell out something.



"Help who?" Josh was frantic.

I was grateful that only one of my fingers was on the board, because my other hand sneaked around his waist. The Washington boy looked to me for reassurance, and with no words, I told him that we would be okay.

I gulped, "Who are you? Since you need help, how can we help?" I asked the board.

I was praying it wouldn't move, because of its utter creepiness and frightening factors, but the Ouija Board was being rebellious.

Until Dawn | JOSH X OC [COMPLETED]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora