Chapter 8

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When I got back to Seoul, I headed to the hospital already. I want to see my son already, he needs me. Let him be safe, please. I just can't lose him, he's my everything. No, just no.

"What happened?" I saw Eomma outside MinHyun's room talking to his doctor.

"MinHye." Eomma hugged me, "Good thing that you're already here, the doctor wants to talk to you. I'll leave you two alone."

I nodded at her and gave her my things, her eyes are still puffy but I want to let myself believe that there's nothing going wrong. That everything is fine, that MinHyun is stable.

I turned to the doctor, "What's the matter?" You better give me a good news.

"The heart surgery succeeded but we figured out that the new heart isn't working with his body--"

"The hell? We paid for a big amount for that bullsh*t operation and you're telling me that it's not working with my son's body?"

I swallowed my pride, I endured seeing my ex's face and now this is what they'll tell me? I'm paying them to extend my son's life.

"Calm down, Miss Song. We have to put back his heart for the better, and we'll do the operation next week."

"What? Put back his heart? Isn't that dangerous? That heart is failing!" I exclaimed

"But the new heart will shorten his life more."

My heart skipped a beat. Not because of joy but because of pain and sadness. Maybe I was never a good mother to MinHyun. Maybe I didn't do my best to protect him from anything that could hurt him, "So there's no way out?" I almost lost my voice.

"Sadly, yes. Don't worry, we'll do our best to save your son. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to check my other patients." Then he left.

I closed my eyes, and calmed myself down. Why is this happening? He's too young for this, I can't afford to lose MinHyun. I might die. He's the only hope I have.

I entered his room, he's finally in a regular room. I don't want him in the ICU, I know he feels weak there. I saw him lying on his bed, this time there's only one tube connected to his body. He's sleeping.

I wanted to cry when I sat next to him, but I have to be strong for the both of us. It's so hard seeing him like this, you just don't know how much it hurts to see him experience heart attacks. How many times he almost lost his life, and how much it kills me everytime I see him being revived by the doctors and nurses in the emergency room.

We're lucky because in 4 years of his life he was always revived. Specially the first time, I can still remember it. He's just 6 months old, I noticed his heavy breathing and he can't finish a bottle of milk for a day. I rushed him in the hospital then everything started.

I held his small hands, "Be strong for me baby, okay?"

Then I fell asleep.


I woke up because I felt him move, I saw him staring at me, "What's wrong?" I smiled at him, "Do you need anything?"

He shook his head, "When did you come back, Eomma?"

I fixed his blanket still smiling, "A few hours ago, I missed you already that's why I came back." I stood up and prepared food for him, "What did you do for the past 3 days, baby?"

"I don't want veggies, Eom--" He protested but I cut him in.

"No. You have to eat veggies, remember? That's what the doctor told you before."

"Arasseo, Eomma." I saw him pout.

"So what did you do for the past 3 days again?"

He turned the tv on and started to watch, "Halmoni and I played board games, Arabeoji---"

"What?" I turned to him, "Appa visited you?"

"Ne, Eomma. He's visiting me every night after his work."

Appa? I thought he's in Japan for work? Ah. Nevermind. When I was done putting food on his plate, I sat next to him and started feeding him.

"Does anything hurt, MinHyun?" I asked when he stopped chewing his food. My eyebrows furrowed and looked at the tv where he's staring at.

My eyes grew wide when I saw EXO's music video playing, as far as I can remember the song was entitled Growl.

"Suho hyung is so daebak." I suprisingly looked at MinHyun.

"What did you say?" I asked. Maybe I heard it wrong. Maybe I am just hallucinating things. I know MinHyun wouldn't say tha--

"Suho hyung is so daebak, Eomma."

Damn. Not now.

"D-do you like EXO, MinHyun?" I'm afraid to know his answer. I thought he didn't know them. I thought I already did my best to avoid Suho and everything related to him away from my son.

"I love them, Eonma. My idol is Suho hyung." He proudly said and smiled at me.

Omona, MinHyun. With all of the members, why him? There are 12 of them, you could've chose Kris or Sehun or Chanyeol. Just not him.

"Why did you choose S-Suho as your idol?" I tried my best to pull off a smile.

"Why not him, Eomma?" Because he turned his back on you and denied you. "He's smart and kind. Not to think that he's rich and the other kids in our neighborhood told me that we just look like the same."

Of course, he's your Appa.

This is not what I expected to happen. Should I tell him the truth? What if he'll ask me why Suho is not with us? Am I going to tell MinHyun that he denied him and left us for his career?

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