Chapter 18

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We looked like a happy family, me, him and MinHyun. I saw MinHyun sat over Suho's shoulders as they went to the deeper part of the pool. I put my camera down and shouted, "Ya! Suho, be careful!"

They looked back at me and Suho shouted back, "Don't worry. I got him, honey!"

I was about to take pictures again when I realized something. I think I heard something wrong.

Don't worry. I got him, honey!

Don't worry. I got him, honey!

I got him, honey!


I glared at him while he was chuckling knowing that I didn't notice what he said. I was ready to throw him my DSLR when I remembered how much it costs. Ugh. Then I decided to curse at him but I heard MinHyun's giggle. He's with MinHyun and I don't want him to hear those kind of words. Be thankful that you're lucky, Suho. I started taking pictures again and stopped when someone called me.


I turned around and saw Suho's Eomma, "Ne?"

"Call them! It's time for lunch." She smiled at me and I gladly returned one.

"Arasseo, Eomeoni." She walked away while I went back to the poolside, "Suho!" The two of them looked at me, "We'll eat lunch first!"

They went to the pool's stairs and got out of the pool, I handed Suho a towel. He can manage his own self now. I turned to MinHyun and dried him up, I wrapped the towel around after doing that so he won't catch a cold. We started walking our way to the cottage when I noticed that Suho can't wipe the water off him. I grabbed the towel from his hand and did it for him, "If you can't do it yourself, you can't do it for MinHyun." I scolded.

He just gave me a smile and gave MinHyun a piggyback ride all the way to the cottage.

"Why don't you get married?" His mom asked.

I shook my head mentally. I will not marry him. There's no way I'm gonna let that happen, I'm so done with him and I think he's also done with me a long time ago, "He can't. He signed a contract under SM Entertainment and he can't break their rules or else he has to face them in the court because of breach of contract."

I caught Suho staring at me, but he looked away when I stared back. Besides, I don't think he's planning to marry me. I don't want to tie the knot just because he wants to be responsible and he thinks he's obliged to do that.

Marriage is a big word and I don't see myself being connected with that word in the near future. For me, MinHyun is all I need. All I can give Suho is less than friendship. You all know what happened to us and we can't just bring it back in a snap. Well, it's too early to say that I will never let myself be romantically involved with Suho, but for now that's all I can ever give.

We can never tell what can happen next, so let's just leave it all to tomorrow.


We were done eating and our parents decided to swim too. I let them play with MinHyun, they all wanted to have time alone with him. I was just sitting here in the poolside watching them. I sighed, it feels so good to have a complete family.

Sadly, I can't give MinHyun that legally. But at least we're all together enjoying ourselves with each other, just like the old times when Suho and I are still together. Yeah, we used to go out on a vacation like this.

I felt someone kiss my cheek. Argh. I was about to huit him hard when I decided to ride his 'flirty' side. "You missed me that much that you can't get enough of me, huh?" I grinned at him.

He chuckled and nodded, "Yeah, maybe I really missed you so much." He sat next to me and held my hand, you're overdoing it, Suho. "Aren't you going to swim?"

"I was actually waiting for you to invite me." Go on, MinHye. You're doing good.

He stood up, pulled me and dived in the pool... with me. Gosh, I wasn't ready for that. I started coughing. I think I drank too much water. Ahh. D-mn Suho.

"Gwaenchanayo?" He asked while wiping the water off my face.

"Do I look like I'm okay?" I rolled my eyes on him still coughing. Ugh. My throat hurts.

"Sorry." He mumbled.

Duh? Like your sorry can do something about it. At least he said sorry, MinHye. St-pid conscience. Stop taking his side.

"That's fine. Just please don't do it again."

He smiled at me that switched into a smirk I felt him leading me to the deeper side of the pool. Gosh. I'm not as tall as he is. If you can call him tall.

"Don't take me there, I'm telling you." I warned.

"I got your back." He winked. He grabbed my hands and wrapped it on his neck, "Just hold on to me and you'll be fine." In a second, he's arms are wrapped on my waists.

That's what you call, Suho moves. So don't ask me why I fell for him before. It's not all about his face, okay? It's also about his smart mouth that can make you fall in love just by listening to his d-mn sweet words. And oh my gosh, MinHye what the hell are you saying? I'm not falling for him, am I? Ugh. Not again, Mr. Heart. Not again.

"Are you falling in love with me again?" I asked. I don't know where I got the courage to ask him that question when I can't even answer myself if I'm falling in love with him again.

He pulled me closer, leaving our faces few inches apart, "I didn't stop." He moved closer again that made our noses touch, "I didn't stop loving you."

Then he kissed me and I don't know what happened to me because I responded. I finally felt that lips again after almost six years of being apart.

I felt a familiar electricity flow through my body, sending shivers down my spine. His hands were tracing circles on my back making me feel that tingling sensations I never felt before.

D-mn Suho, what the hell are you doing?

I pulled away, "Stop." He opened his mouth and was about to say something when I swam away from him. I don't want to talk about anything about the two of us. Because I'm too afraid to be st-pid again just because of the same petty reason.

Then I saw MinHyun alone, maybe our parents changed already. I noticed his heavy breathing, I hurriedly went near him and realized that he's having a hard time breathing. "MinHyun!" Gosh, I looked around and saw Suho behind me.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Get his inhaler! Now!" I ordered, without thinking twice he did what I said. And came back with it, I did what I used to do before when MinHyun is experiencing this.

After few minutes his breathing went to normal. Thank God. I thought I'll lose him.

It's not a warning that it's getting near, right?

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