Chapter 21

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Haters gonna hate.

Hmmm. I snuggled more on my pillow. Gosh. I never felt so comfortable like this before, I gently opened my eyes and saw Suho's face close to mine. I closed my eyes agai---What?! I opened my eyes in disbelief making myself believe that I'm just hallucinating. But when I opened my eyes, he's still there. The tip of his nose almost touching my forehead feels soothing for a moment. I looked away when he moved, then I noticed that his arm is embracing me. I groaned. What is happening with me? I want to remove his arms and hop out of the bed but there's a big part of me who wants to stay here and cuddle with him.

Argh. I'm acting like a teenager when the truth is I'm already 24. In the end, I chose to remove his arms but when I was about to do it. His eyes opened, and it was looking into mine. I gulped. My heart beating triple times faster. He gave me a lopsided grin and hugged me tighter. What is he doing? He grabbed my arm and placed it over his waist. I pushed him away and stood up.

I can't take everything he's doing. He wants us back, right? Shaking my head, I ran inside the bathroom. I saw myself blushing on the mirror. So this is how I react on him? Groaning, I started to brush my teeth. I turned the shower on and went under it with my clothes on, I just want to think about us. If there's an us.

I felt the cold water dripping all over me and closed my eyes to calm my nerves. I remembered MinHyun sleeping at the middle last night, where is he? Maybe he's outside with my parents. I shrugged. I heard the door clicked open. Omona. "Nuguseyo?" No one answered, "Hyunnie? Is that you?" I opened the sliding door separating the shower from the toilet where the door is located.

I gasped when I saw Suho, "What are you doing here?" Now I know why I didn't take my clothes off. I was more shocked with what he did.

He stepped inside and kissed me fully on the lips under the shower, not minding his clothes getting soaked.

Slowly, he kissed me like there's no tomorrow then nibbled my lower lip. Unconsciously, I kissed him back and ran my fingers through his soft and silky blond hair. What are you doing, MinHye? Gosh! I don't know either! But I won't stop, I can't.

He gently pushed me on the wall without breaking our kiss. Oh my. This is too much to handle. "JunMyeon." Sht. Did I just moan? It's getting dangerous. His kisses are drowning me in, deeper and deeper everytime. And I fcking called him JunMyeon!

I can feel his lips smiling while kissing me. He's liking it, he's really liking this. His right hand is on my face, caressing it while the other is tracking ng small circles on my back.

He pulled away from the kisd and placed his forehead over mine. We were catching our breaths, that was the most mind blowing kiss we ever shared, even before. He leaned down and gave me a quick kiss and said, "Love me, again." while panting.

He tasted like mint. Maybe he brushed his teeth first before going here. That thought made me laugh out loud mentally. Who would've thought that Suho will brush his teeth before he kiss me?

"Hey." I heard his husky voice call me, I looked up to him because even though he's one of the smallest among the 12 of them, he's still taller than me.

His eyes met mine, I decided to look away because I can't stand to look at him straight in the eyes for too long. He cupped my face, "Look at me."

Groaning, I looked at him.

"Love me, again. Please."

I sighed, "I want someone who can play guitar."

"W-What?" He confusingly asked me as his eyes went wide.

"If you can play guitar, then we can be together." I said as I grabbed the towel and went out of the shower. I'll just take a bath outside. I told him that because I know he can't play guitar and that means no already.

I took my clothes out of the drawers and headed to the bathroom in the kitchen.

Eomma saw me, she's with MinHyun and Appa. "Why are you dripping wet, MinHye?"

I don't know what to say so I decided to ignore her question and if she'll scold me later because I didn't answer, I'll tell her I didn't hear what she said. What should I tell her? I made out with Suho in the bathroom? Oh my. No. She'll force me to marry him. And there's no way I will.


When I was done taking a bath, I noticed that Suho isn't with MinHyun yet. I was worried so I headed back to my room. I found him standing in front of my closet with a towel around his waist covering something you guys don't have to know. ;) [Be open minded. I know some of you reads smut ffs that are waaaaaaaaaaay too outspoken than this. ;)]

"What's wrong?" I asked. I didn't find the atmosphere awkward because we're fine earlier. We're fine, right?

He looked at me and I noticed his eyebrows are curled, "I can't find my clothes."

I nodded my head and opened one of my drawers where his clothes are organized. I leaned over to find him some good clothes, I felt him hug me from the back and whispered, "Saranghae." My heart raced. I bit my lip to stop myself from smiling. I won't deny that I'm liking it, but I know it's wrong enjoying it. Everything's wrong.

I removed his arms around me and gave him his clothes, "Your boxers are on the lower drawer. Get your ass outside for breakfast."

We just can't be together again. We're not the right match, Suho.


"Can you pick up his toys? I'm just busy editing these pics." I turned to him.

MinHyun is out with his grandparents, including Suho's parents. They said they'll take MinHyun somewhere and will stay there for the night. They said they'll be here tomorrow, I just don't know what time. They invited me to join them but as much as I would love to I can't. The deadline for the pictures is near and I just can't roam around. My job is important to me, and to my family too. We need a lot of money to support MinHyun's medication and all.

Suho can't join them too and I know you already know why. I feel sorry for him because he can't hang out with MinHyun outside and tell everyone about our son. Going to arcades is one of the things every father wants to do with their son, and he can't do that. Even if our time is running and the clock is ticking. We have to make the most of it and I appreciate Suho's efforts. He's from somewhere yesterday with the whole group and the next thing he did was head here and play with MinHyun. He went here even if he needs to rest, and now I'm ordering him to clean MinHyun's mess up.

I don't know if he can do that. I saw him stand up and lazily started picking it all up. I just want to roll like a buffalo because I can't take it anymore. Can you imagine Suho, the dirtiest member of Exo, cleaning something? Oh my gosh. I should tape this and sell it to his fangirls, I'll probably be rich because of it.

I grinned and went back to business.

Few minutes later, he sat next to me while wiping the sweat on his forehead. I grabbed the towel from his hand and did for him. "Why can't you love me again?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes on him and threw the towel to him, "I told you I want someone who can play guitar."

I heard him sigh and saw him stand up, I didn't mind him but when he came back he's already holding his things. "Where are you going?"

"I'll go back to our dorm."

"Do you want me to drive you there?"

He shook his head, "The van's outside."

Alright. He's going home because his members need him too. "Take care." He nodded his head and left.

I stretched my arms and yawned. Finally, I'm done with the pictures. I attached it on the mail and clicked 'send'. Done with the work! I can finally focus on MinHyun tomorrow when they get home.

In A Relationship With Suho of ExoWhere stories live. Discover now