Chapter 10

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Marcel Harry Styles P.O.V

I walked out of Edward's room miserably and followed Dr. Lukewood with my head down. I don't know why I told him what I did or why I feel like I can trust him, I just do. Dr. Lukewood and I walked for about 5 minutes and by the time we got to the room we wanted we had crossed the hospital.

We walked in together and I saw other doctors and interns. I sat down next to my supervisor and the head doctor started to talk.
After about two hours the meeting had finished and my shift for the day had finished also. I said goodbye to George as I past her on the way out to my car.

I walked out slowly, putting my lab coat back on the hook and secretly checked my hair and makeup. What Edward said before really made me insecure and I found myself checking my face frequently.

As I walked out to my Porsche I saw two people standing in front of it taking pictures and looking at it. They looked familiar. I don't think they are from school. The female looked younger than the other as she took a picture of the slightly older male and my car.

I cleared my throat and they both instantly froze and looked at me. When I saw their faces I recognized them as the other inters from the meeting. If I remember right from my first day I think their names are Lachlan and Veronica.

"Oh hi. Is this your car?" the girl said putting down the phone and pointing to the car. I nodded yes and they both walked away from it and towards me.

"Sorry bro," the boy said rubbing the back of his neck looking embarrassed. Both of the people looked like they were in their early 20's.

"I'm Lachlan by the way. Lachlan Brown and this is my sister Veronica. I've seen you around the workplace but you've been busy so I haven't been able to introduce myself," he extended his hand which I gladly shook. Veronica did the same so I shook hers too. Siblings. Wow. I wish I had someone like that.

"M-my name is Marcel," I stuttered.

"Where did you get a car like this?" Veronica blushed looking behind her at my black Porsche.

"Oh...Th-There's a great dealership a few towns over," I blushed at what I think was a compliment.

"Cool. How much did it cost? I really want one," Lachlan said excitedly.

"Oh...It cost a bit. Can't remember the exact amount though. S-sorry," I whispered suddenly going shy.

"Okay," they both whispered before going silent for a while.

"Well," I spoke trying to avoid an awkward silence.

"Oh right. Sorry," Lachlan said realizing they were standing in front of my car. He pulled his sister away.

"Well, see ya next time," Lachlan and Veronica said waving and heading towards their own car, Lachlan hopping in the driver's seat and Veronica in the front passenger side.

I slid in my car and waited for them to go so I could exit. Today I wasn't feeling too bad and it was only 1 o'clock so I decided to go to the gym. It took a while but when I got there I walked into the showers and got change into my emergency gym pants (I usually workout topless) bandage (I use it to cover from my left wrist to elbow to cover my scars, I don't want anyone to see them) and towel I leave in my locker in case I come without stuff like today. I brushed my hair out of its position so my curls came out. I also put my contacts, which I brought to work with me because I hoped I could go to the gym, on and went out just in time to catch Dave.

"Hey Dave!" I waved. "Can you fit me in?"

He turned around and welcomingly smiled extending his arms for a hug. I walked over and he hugged me but immediately stopped when I groaned in pain. He looked down at my bruised sides and panicked.

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