Chapter 1

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            Finding out that my girlfriend was a zombie hooker – major bummer. Today was supposed to be a good day. Instead, I was stuck in class and miserable. I checked my phone again. Nothing. I guess zombies don't text much.

            "Jack." It was the kid sitting next to me. I think his name is Tyson but I'm not sure. I don't really pay attention in school. All I know is that this was the first time he's ever said anything to me.


            "Aren't you dating that Kayla girl?"

            "Yeah." His eyes lit up when I said it. He leaned towards me, all excited, and I resisted the urge to punch him.

            "Dude. Did you see what she is wearing today? You're so lucky, man." He held his hand in the air for a high five and I pretended not to see it.

            Lucky? I wouldn't consider myself lucky. Yesterday, maybe. Today, definitely not.

            "Thanks," I said, turning away from him. I think he got the point because he didn’t say anything else. I really wasn't in the mood to talk to Mr. Jackass anyway.

            As soon as the bell rang, I jumped my chair and ran to hall. I needed to see Kayla between classes. I knew which room she was in so I hurried to find her. She was easy to spot once she emerged from her classroom. She was the only dead girl dressed like a hooker. I flagged her down.

            "Kayla," I said, catching my breath. She didn't look happy to see me. "I'm sorry about how I reacted this morning. I didn't know what to say. It's like my brain shut down when you told me what happened. I think I was in shock. You know?"

            She nodded. I could see in her face that she understood.

            "I've been thinking about you all day," I said. "At first, I was pissed off about everything that's happened. I didn't want things to change between us. I was happy with the way things were. But then I realized that there's no point in thinking like that. It sucks that you died and I wish it never happened, but the important thing is that you're still here. I'm lucky to have you."

            She looked like she might cry. "Do you mean that, Jack?"

            "Yes, with all my heart. I love you, Kayla. It doesn't matter to me what you are. I accept you unconditionally."

            Kayla threw her arms around me and crushed me in a hug. I put my arms around her and squeezed. Underneath the perfume, I detected a faint odor of death on her. I didn't say anything though. She was having a rough day as it was and I didn't want to hurt her feelings.

            "I've been so depressed all day," she said. "It really means a lot to me that you still want to be with me."

            "Of course I do. By the way, it's still your birthday. I want to see you after school."

            She pulled back and studied my face. Her birthday marked another occasion for us. We were both still virgins and, prior to her death, the plan was to wait until her birthday.

            "I don't know," she said. "Things are complicated now."

            "True," I said. "That's not exactly what I meant though. I just want to spend time with you." She smiled.

            "We have to get to class." She leaned forward and kissed me with her cold lips. "I'll see you after school."

            "Can't wait."

            Things were definitely different now. I didn't know the first thing about dating a zombie hooker. I guess it's like anything else in life. There's a first time for everything.

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