Chapter 5 - The End

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          I looked at Kayla for some kind of help but she only gave me a sympathetic frown. Death Pimp walked to the bed until he towered over us.

          “Kayla works for me now. Isn’t that right, dear?” He slid the cane along her thigh. I reached out to grab the cane but he snatched it away.

          “Leave her alone,” I yelled. He looked at me, the smile gone from his face. His eye sockets were black and empty but held a depth that seemed impossible.

          “You don’t get it, do you Jack? Kayla works for me. She’s mine. You chose to indulge in her services and now it’s time to pay up.”

          He pointed the cane at the center of my chest. I opened my mouth to protest but couldn’t speak. I had the odd sensation of being weightless. I heard Kayla gasp beside me. The tip of the cane was closer but the Death Pimp hadn’t moved. I was floating through the air towards the cane. It drew me in until my body disappeared. I was trapped inside the Death Pimp’s cane. I could still see and hear everything but couldn’t move or talk.

          “What did you do to him?” Kayla asked. He laughed at her.

          “Don’t you worry about Jack,” he said. He tapped the cane against the floor. “I got him right here. He sold his soul to the Death Pimp for a little fun with you.”

          “He loves me,” Kayla cried. “He wasn’t a client!”

          “They’re all clients.” The Death Pimp leaned close to Kayla and stroked her cheek with his skeletal hand. “Let’s be honest. Jack didn’t mean. . . jack to you.” He laughed at himself. “He made you feel wanted. He gave you attention. See? It’s not so bad. Now get out there and find some more love. I hear that Tyson fella has eyes for you.”

          I wanted to scream but couldn’t. I could only listen and suffer. My pain was made worse by the truth of his words. Kayla never loved me. I was the one that sacrificed for her. When she changed I stayed with her. When I saw her do those awful things I forgave her. Every step of the way I gave in and gave her my love. I gave my love until my soul was gone. Life’s a bitch.

The Eternal End

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