Chapter Eleven

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I stood up from the ground and ran into Harry's arms, wrapping mine around his torso.

"Woah what's that for?" Harry asked, obviously confused.

"For saving me." I whispered.

"Eh." He shrugged.

Harry and I began walking away from the alley and towards the street. Questions were running through my mind about everything. Who killed Niall? Why are people scared of Harry? Did he do something bad?

"Why?" I stopped and asked him.

"Why what?" He looked at me confused.

"Why'd you save me?" I asked, just above a whisper.

Harry froze. He didn't move or speak. His eyes were staring directly at something. I traced his eyes until I saw what he was staring at.


"Shit." I muttered.

Charlotte saw us and stomped over to where we were standing.

"I told you to stay away from her, damnit!" Charlotte yelled.

"Charlotte, you need to shut up." Harry blankly told her.

"And why is that? You gonna do the same things me like you did to John Jameson?" Charlotte yelled.


"It wasn't me." Harry spoke through gritted teeth.

"Yeah whatever Harry. Collin you're coming with me." Char demanded.

She grabbed ahold of my wrist and pulled me along with her, but I stopped in our movements.

"No." I blankly replied.

Charlotte turned towards me with hate in her eyes.

"What did you just tell me?" Charlotte growled.

"I'm not going with you." I shook my head.

"Oh yes you are." Charlotte demanded as she yanked my wrist.

"She said she isn't going with you." Harry spoke up.

"And what you gonna do about it, Harold?" Charlotte taunted him.

"I'm gonna.."

Before Harry could finish, I slapped Charlotte in her face. Her eyes almost bulged out of her head at my sudden action. I turned away from her and quickly walked away. There's no way I can ever be near her again.

"I'm calling the asylum on both of you!" Charlotte yelled.

I ignored her threats as I walked the rest of the way home. When I arrived home, there was a letter on my doorstep. Carefully, I picked it up and read it aloud.


Bad idea on hanging out with him. I'm coming for you now. Watch you're back.

-L x

My heart started beating out of my chest. I could feel I was being watched. Someone's breath was on my neck, causing me to freeze.

"He won't get you, Collin." The raspy voice spoke.

I turned around to be met by piercing green eyes only inches away from me.

"How do you know that?" I choked back the tears.

"Because, I won't let him." Harry cupped my cheek just as a tear fell.

"Shh, baby. Don't cry." He cooed.

This only caused more tears to fall.

"Let's get you inside." Harry said.

I nodded and took the keys out of my pocket with my shakes hands. As carefully as I could, I unlocked the door and followed Harry inside. The light flickered on and that's when I saw my flat.

It was trashed. Clothes thrown everywhere. Writing all over the walls. Someone came in and vandalized my flat while I was gone. And I have a pretty good idea who. But I'm not quite sure it was that person yet.

Harry mumbled incoherent things as I checked around the whole house. Nothing on the first level was stolen, or broken. It was just scattered everywhere. Once I finished checking downstairs, I went upstairs into my bedroom and that's where everything looked bad.

Some jewelry was thrown across the room. My clothes were ripped and thrown everywhere. I walked over to my dresser and gasped. My picture of me, mom, dad and my little brother, Xavier was ripped I to shreds. That's the last picture I had of them before Xavier and dad died. It has been only me and mom since.

I fell to the ground in tears, I brought my knees to my face and let everything out. Sobs escaped my lips and my makeup was smearing all down my cheeks. The picture was still in my clutch as everything was being let out.

"Collin, what's-" Harry stopped mid-sentence.

"Are you okay?" Harry asked.

I shook my head as more tears fell.

"Shh baby, look at me." Harry cooed.

I didn't want him seeing me like this.

"C'mon baby." He cupped my cheek with this hands and brought my head up to face him.

My eyes were staring directly into his. This made my heart flutter.

Harry picked me up and carried me downstairs and laid me down on the couch. He took a seat next me and rubbed small circles up and down my arm, soothing me.

"Now, what happened?" Harry asked, softly.

Instead of speaking, I handed him the only picture I had left of dad and Xavier. He looked at the picture and half-smiled.

"Who's all in it?" Harry asked.

"Me, mom, dad and my little brother Xavier." I choked out the words.

"Oh." He simply replied.

Memories of Xavier and me running through the woods back home when littler came into my mind. The tears came faster and the noises I was making while I was crying was inhuman and scary. The thought of Xavier dead, makes me so upset. I can't think about him without crying.

"Shh. It'll be okay." Harry whispered in my ear.

The words coming from Harry, gave me some hope. I believe that he isn't lying, that things will get better. Maybe all I honestly need is a good friend right now.

Harry lifted my chin up and I was forced to look into his eyes. They look like they got greener than they were a few minutes ago. Harry wiped away few tears as he leaned in closer to me. We were only a few inches apart when..


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