Chapter 2: Worrying

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Chapter 2: Worrying

“Fuck mate,” I groan as I leave my English hour. I press the red button on the phone after once again only receiving Maura’s stupid over chirpy voicemail. If I hear it one more time, I think I’ll commit genocide.

“You alright?” some random lass asks as she’s walking into the classroom that I just left. I don’t even acknowledge her presence as I go to my lunch hour. I look around for Zayn, who just isn’t in sight. This only makes me angrier. I head to the cafeteria on my own, being greeted by my mates, all asking me if I’d be going to the pub tonight.

I can’t go to the fucking pub tonight.

I have a wedding to go to tomorrow. Well maybe if Maura or Hunter would answer their fucking phones. This is getting ridiculous. I don’t even know if they’re okay or not. I need them to answer me so we can the venue in order for sure. We can’t even get all of their decorations there if they don’t answer me.

My phone chooses this moment and I see that it’s just the wedding planner. Lovely fucking timing. She’s been blowing up my phone all day and it’s really starting to get on my nerves.

“Hello?” I bark, not even bothering to change my tone.

“Mr. Payne? Have you been able to get ahold of your friends? We want to begin to set-up and make sure that everything is going alright,” the woman says, sounding annoyed herself. I’m just a tad more annoyed at the fact that she just called me Mr. Payne. I don’t even know what the hell I want to do when I get out of college. I’m not that grown up.

“Just give me a few more hours. Just give me three more hours. If I don’t have them by then, you don’t have to set up,” I promise. I’m going to feel bad for them, but they didn’t give me any warning so it’s their fault.

“Fine. Three hours Liam. Call back soon,” she says and hangs up. I groan yet again, not really wanting to go back to class. I know I have to though. It’s just the worst of them all because it’s business. That’s something I know I definitely don’t want to be a part of when I’m older.

I walk up to one of the many food services here and order a pizza slice and a pop. I then make my way over to a table by myself. I notice that the crowds seem stunned, but I just ignore them. I don’t want any company at the moment. I only want Maura, Hunter, and Ben. Hell, I wouldn’t even mind that annoying lady from the bus as long as I had Ben with me. I can’t even take a bite of my pizza before I throw it down on the plate, having no appetite.

“You alright mate?” some random lad asks, his hair in a bit of a swoop. It’s high up, obviously gelled a certain way, but not too well. His green eyes pierce mine as he towers over me.

“Just brilliant,” I sarcastically remark as I let my head fall in my hands. I rub my eyes to the point where they start leaking, making the pain in my head pound more. Headaches are a pain.

“Wanna talk about it?” he asks and I just shrug my shoulders.

“Nah. I think I’m going to go back to my dorm, skip the last period. I’m just not up for it, ya know?” I inform, making up my mind then. I really can’t afford to skip classes as I’m already failing the majority of them, plus my tutor would kill me, but today’s just one of those days that you just can’t. Stress is eating me alive.

“I get it. I’d really recommend eating before you leave though. It’s not good to be home alone on an empty stomach,” he says, causing just that organ to churn at the idea of food. Definitely not a good idea. I just nod, and he smiles at me, walking away. I actually kind of welcome the thought of being alone for a moment. I know that I just need to collect myself or I’ll be even worse at snapping at everyone today.

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