Chapter 19: Fuck

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Chapter 19: Fuck

Sighing, I look over my appearance again. I'm dressed in a simple pair of grey skinnies, a white T-shirt, brown boots, grey beanie and my leather jacket. I have to tell Hazel today. Zayn is right. The longer I put it off, the more damage there will be. It needs to be done soon if I don't want her to hate me forever.

Slowly, I make my way outside and towards the bus. I really need to get a car. Maybe I'll do that with my taxes this year. I also need to get a place of my own, but I'm not thinking that far ahead yet.

I climb out once I'm across the street from Hazel's hotel. Waiting, I hurry across the cross walk and head inside wanting to get out of the snow as fast as I can. Once inside, I head to elevator so it can take me up to the third floor, Hazel's floor.

Soon enough, I'm standing outside her door. I let my knuckles take across her door in a familiar pattern that I would only use when I went to pick up Maura. Normally the thought would put a lump in my throat, but today it just brightens my mood. I want to live for them, not spend the rest of my life in despair. I owe them that after all the drama I've caused.

"Hi," Hazel says upon answering the door. My eyes widen at the sight of her. She's going to freeze her ass off.

"Hi babe. You do realize that it's freezing outside, right?" I question her. She just rolls her eyes at me, pulling her trench coat tighter around her body. Her hair is pulled up in a pony tail. She's wearing a black dress that stops mid-thigh and nude heels. She also has a scarf wrapped around her neck. She's gorgeous nonetheless, but I don't want her to get sick just because she wants to impress me. She does that already by just being herself.

"Yeah. I just got out of an interview," she tells me.

"You're getting a second job?" I question.

"Yeah. I never have anything else to do around here because you're always so busy," she points out. I frown, but don't deny anything.

"Where are you working at now then?" I question.

"Actually I'm a library assistant for your school. I figured this way we could see each other more often and I'd have a reason to get ready in the morning," she laughs.

"I like the idea of maybe seeing you every day," I respond, pressing a soft kiss to her temple. She leans in to me, giggling a bit before closing the door to her room behind her. I lead her down to the elevator where we make small chit chat until we get outside. I live for every conversation I get to have with her.

"Oh wow. It wasn't snowing this bad earlier," she comments.

"I'll carry you," I say. Before she can even get the chance to object, I'm swinging her around so I can lift her up, a yelp escaping from her due to surprise.

Smiling, she says, "you know, my legs aren't broken."

"I know, but I can't bear the thought of you getting frost bite," I reply. God I just want to kiss her.


"What store should we look at first?" I ask as we walk through the mall hand in hand. I don't know what I should get Hazel for Christmas and I'm hoping to catch her eyes linger on something so I may come back and get it.

"I'm not sure, but I'm parched," she tells me causing me to gape at her. She's thirsty? Uhm no no no no no. Okay.

"What would you like to drink?" I ask her. Jesus I'm whooped.

"Uhm. Maybe a peppermint mocha from Starbucks?" She requests. Seriously? How am I in love with someone who's so cliché? Wait, in love? My thoughts are taking a weird turn and I can't handle it.

It Started With A FireNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ