Chapter 8: Saying No

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A/N: I apologize for the late update. I haven’t had electronics in a week and then I was super busy with work so this was written really fast and badly. I hope you can enjoy it though. Stay interested too because the romance is coming up here soon

Chapter 8: Saying No

“So, how was the wedding?” Dustin asks me as I wipe over the counter again. Working here has it’s advantages and disadvantages. I wish today was a little more busy so I could work the grill or at least take orders.

“It didn’t happen,” I tell him, looking towards the door. A family has come in and I’m excited to finally be able to do something. Well, at least I was until the new girl ran up to them reciting our welcome. Damn.

“What do you mean?” Dustin asks, leaning against the counter himself. I copy his actions, leaning my arm on to the same space of area. I won’t lie, talking about this hurts. I haven’t really talked to many people about the situation that happened with my best mates, but talking with Niall about it has been helping quite a bit. I almost think of him more as a therapist than a tutor now.

“There was an accident and it was too bad,” I tell him, not knowing what else to say.

“Are they okay? What about their kid?” Dustin asks seriously concerned. He saw how I reacted when I thought they would be coming out.

“I sort of take care of their kid now. They didn’t make it,” I tell him, leaving my sentences short and simple. I don’t want to go in to detail about this. I trust Dustin, but he doesn’t need to know all of the grizzly details, not until I’m ready.

“Wait, so they’re dead and you watch their son now? How the hell does that work?” he asks.

“God-father. I don’t want to talk about it and don’t go around telling people either. It’s my business and no one needs to know,” I reply. I know I sound like a real asshole, but it is my business and I don’t want anyone knowing.

“I’m sorry mate. Just know that if you need help, I’m here for you and the child,” he says, setting his hand on my shoulder. I nod at him, thankful for his offer though I doubt that I’d ever act upon it. People are full of empty suggestions and I wouldn’t want to bother him with my problems.

“Um excuse me? Is there any way that I could get more sauce for my burger?” someone asks, grabbing my attention. I spin around to see him, noticing a lad that’s not much older than I, his blue eyes piercing mine. It kind of freaks me out if I’m being honest.

“Yeah sir. What kind would you like?” I ask him.

“Just a couple more things of ranch,” he tells me and I nod. I turn around and grab some from the container where we keep it, handing him them. He thanks me before heading back to his seat.

“Payne,” our manager, Kelsie, calls for me. I look at her expectantly.

“You’re good to go home,” she tells me. Thanking her, I go and clock out. I begin walking out when I see the bloke with blue-eyes scarfing down some burgers and nuggets. He must have at least twenty ranch packets. I chuckle to myself as I make my way out.

I walk to the bus stop, waiting to get on. I put on my headphones and American Idiot by Greenday comes on. It’s not my favorite, but it’s still pretty good. Not long after, the bus pulls up and I sigh in relief. I sit in the back, waiting for it to arrive at the slums. A variety of music plays on my ride from artists such as Linkin Park to Michael Buble. You even get some Drake in there.

“Thank you,” I say to the bus driver as I climb off. She nods her head at my sincerity, obviously confused. Haven’t I ever said thank you to her in the past? Apparently not.

I walk up to Shawny and Harry’s place, knocking on the door. I’m soon greeted by the familiar chirpy black woman I’ve grown accustomed to like. She takes one look over my body and starts laughing.

“What?” I ask her.

“You work at Wendy’s?” she says between fits of laughter. I roll my eyes at her.

“They were the only place hiring and I’m going to be a manager here soon I hope,” I say a bit proudly. She just laughs some more as she lets me in. I make my way over to the room where the kids are. Most of them are watching TV except for Benjamin who’s giggling at the toy hanging above his carrier, trying to reach it. I smile at him. He has to be near a month old now. It’s crazy how the time flies.

“He’s been exceptionally good today,” Shawny giggles from next to me.

“Of course he has been. He takes after me,” I tell her and she just laughs more. Okay, maybe that was a bad example.

“Yeah. Right,” she tells me and I laugh a bit more. Things aren’t awkward between us as much now though I still owe her an apology. I’m really trying, but it’s hard.

“I uh. I really am sorry for what happened a while ago on the bus,” I blurt out before I can stop myself. I wanted it to be more sentimental, but this is what’s going to have to do for now.

“It’s okay Liam. You were right,” she tells me.

“I was?” I ask a bit confused. I’ve seen the way that Harry acts around her and I couldn’t imagine that bloke getting with some other lass.

“Yeah. I saw him down town on a date with some other lass. You could say that I was angry with him and still am,” she confesses to me. Damn. I didn’t see that coming if I’m being quite honest. He seemed to fancy her so much.

“Does he know that you saw him?” I ask her. She just shakes her head at me. For all I know then she could have the story wrong. It’s amazing how bad some situations look when you don’t know the full story. That’s how I lost one of my old girlfriends.

“Just talk to him about the situation then. You can’t have him shooting blindly in to this and you need the facts,” I tell her.

“What if he lies to me?” she whispers. When did she and I get this close? I guess trusting her with my child has brought this upon us.

“I’ll talk to him too. Tell him how you feel and why you’re hurt,” blah blah blah. It’s the same old stupid shit my mother used to tell me, but it seemed to work so it must be good for something, right?

“Thanks,” she replies giving me a hug. It’s sad that this is the most action I’ve gotten in a while. I’ve really lost my touch.

“Yeah. I’m going to go now,” I tell her. I start walking out the door, bidding her farewell as I make my way towards street. I don’t get too far as I run in to Harry who offers me a ride home claiming that he doesn’t want to be around Shawny. That’s what the ride is filled with too, him complaining about their problems.

Ugh. Couples.

He finally drops me off after interrogating me about knowing anything. I just told him that he needed to go and talk to her himself. Whatever. I just want to tutor with Niall, have a drink, and go to bed. You know what, maybe I won’t have that drink.

I’m trying to better myself and no matter the temptation, I have to say no.

That’s the first step to getting better, saying no. 

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