Chapter 14: Date

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Chapter 14: Date

I walk towards the building, Hazel on my side. The air is cold and brisk, leaving no mercy to it’s victims in the chilly outdoors. We jog up to the entrance, entering without hesitation. She’s shaking like a Chihuahua. Poor thing.

“What are we doing here?” she asks me once we’re inside, her nose puffy and red. She kind of looks cute that way.

“You’ll see,” I say as we walk up to the clerk at the front desk. I can tell that Hazel is examining the menu, but it doesn’t bother me because we’re here already.

“Two adult tickets,” I tell him and he nods, ringing me up. I pay the man and he hands us our tickets and wristbands. That’s when we enter the area, her following me. I hope this is a pretty good experience for her as well as me. It’s one of my favorite things to do, but I’ve never brought a girl here.

“Go-Karting?” she asks me.

“Yeah. You don’t mind, do you?” I ask her a bit nervously. It never crossed my mind that she might not like what we’re doing.

“No no. I love it. It’s definitely better than sitting around all day and doing nothing,” she laughs. Her laughter is slowly becoming one of my favorite sounds.

“True. Let’s go put on our helmets and stuff,” I tell her.

“We’re really wearing helmets?” she asks.

“Yeah. Safety first,” I tell her. She just stares at me with a smile, creeping me out a bit if I’m being honest.

“What?” I ask her.

“Oh nothing,” she says quickly shaking her hide and turning away to attempt to keep the blush off of her face. Okay?

“Let’s go,” I tell her as we go to climb in our carts. She stares at me with a wicked look and I know that I made the right choice. I’m glad that I’ve done something right for the first time in these past few weeks.

“You’re all buckled in. When the light turns green feel free to go,” the woman who made sure we were restrained properly says. Nodding, we stare at the light. I count down the seconds, having been here enough to know exactly when it starts. Right before the light turns green I step on the gas and the gate opens, Hazel surprised and taking off right after me. I make every sharp turn precisely and speeding down the lanes. Surprisingly enough though, Hazel is right behind me, not giving up.

The rest of the day kind of goes like this too. We just race and have a good time joking around with one another and it’s perfect. We go through every course here that we can and it’s just an amazing time. I don’t think I’ve ever felt such bliss by just hanging out with someone.

Slowly, we come to the end of the course we’re on and I’m breathing heavily from the adrenaline. Of course, I won.

“You cheater!” Hazel shouts from next to me, laughing a bit.

“I did not cheat,” I counter as I climb out, laughing as well.

“You so did. You cut me off right around the last turn. I should have one!” she defies. I just shake my head.

“Face it. I’m just so much better at go-karting than you,” I reply.

“No way and I’ll prove it to you. Let’s make a bet,” she says, watching me smugly.

“Hold up,” I say as my phone is vibrating in my pocket. We get in line for the next course.

“Hello?” I ask.

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