Chapter 12: Toys

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A/N: This is just a timeline check in case you’re confused. Okay so Benjamin was born in June. Liam got him sometime near the beginning of July. Liam got everything figured out and whatever before Hazel came out near the end of September. That means in this chapter Benjamin is almost six months old. Just a heads up.

Chapter 12: Toys

Time is passing faster than I can comprehend. It seems like it was only yesterday that Benjamin was a baby that couldn’t do anything for himself and wanted to just sleep. I swear that it was just yesterday that the leaves were changing a different color, but I know that’s wrong as I watch the snowflakes fall and hit the ground.

“Benjamin is becoming a hassle. When are you going to get him a highchair and some toys?” Niall asks as he shifts the baby back and forth in his arms. I sigh, knowing that he’s right. Benjamin is able to support his whole back on his own now. I honestly didn’t know that babies developed this fast. Well, then again, Benjamin is a pretty strong baby and a fast learner so far. He hold his own bottle on his own now. I can’t believe how fast he’s developing.

“I don’t know. I haven’t had the time recently,” I tell him, looking to the window again. Little flakes begin sticking to it and I know that winter has begun early. Great.

“Well, we could go now. I mean, you’re grades have improved tremendously over the past month. I think you deserve a little break to play with your son,” Niall says.

“Don’t call him that,” I say immediately as I stare at the green eyed baby. I run my fingers through the hair that has grown on my face, wanting to run away.

“Okay Liam. You need to come to terms with the fact that you’re his father now. Granted, you’re not his biological father, but you’re that figure he has now. He’s your son and you need to take care of the little lad. Let’s go buy him some things now,” Niall points out, something that I know to be true in my heart, but I don’t want to accept. Not yet. I just sigh, nodding at him as I go for my coat.

“Where are we going?” I ask as I wrap Benjamin up in an old coat of mine too.

“Well, first we’re going to get Benjamin some clothes,” Niall says as he stares at the less fortunate child. I roll my eyes at him, but agree as we go outside.


Nearly three hours later, way past Benjamin’s bedtime we’re done shopping. We got him so many different outfits, food, a highchair, even some toys. Niall even got him a push car that helps to teach him to walk. I am so thankful for Niall that I can’t even explain. He’s been a massive help with this whole expedition of raising Ben.

He’s used the money that his parents gave him to help pay for most of Ben’s stuff which baffled me. I guess Niall has grown attached to the poor child just the way that I have. I can’t even imagine not having him around Ben to help as he grows anymore. Niall has had so much faith in the bettering of myself that I can’t even explain what’s happening.

“It’s Hallow’s Eve tomorrow. Are we going to get him a costume then?” Niall asks.

“No. I already got him one,” I tell him, surprising him. I watch the way his eyebrow raises and it causes my cheeks to heat a bit. Okay. So what? I got Ben a costume. I can be a good dad sometimes, well father figure.

“What’s he gonna be?” Niall asks me.

“A ninja turtle,” I respond. I watch as his eyes widen before he laughs. I roll my eyes.

“Are you going to be a turtle too?” he asks me.

“No. I’m their rat friend slash mentor, Splinter,” I reply, smiling hugely. It was my favorite cartoon to watch growing up.

“Who?” he asks and I gasp. Does he not know of the teenage mutant ninja turtles? Surely this is a sin. This isn’t holy. What is life?

“Come in. I’ll put the cartoons on and you will learn,” I tell him. He rolls his eyes, but does as I say, taking a seat on my bed. I take Benjamin out of his carrier and put him in to his crib, allowing him to watch too. I take out my dvd collection and pop the very first disk in. Oh how I remember doing this. Suddenly, my phone vibrates, startling me.


From: Hazel

Zayn invited me over to hang tomorrow. Is that okay?


I smile at the message. She left for a minute to go home, but she came back and is moving in to a dorm across from our dorm buildings. She decided to give our University a chance and I’m excited. She’s a vibrant soul.


To: Hazel

Yeah. Cnt wait 2 c u.


I’m not lying, but I know that it’ll make her blush and just the thought amuses me. No we aren’t dating or anything, but I just like to see the way that she smiles. I like to annoy her even more though and she hates when I make her blush. It only takes simple compliments too.


From: Hazel

Spell like a normal human being! And stop being so rude


I laugh a little at her response, watching the way that Niall is starting to get in to the show. Yes. He will be my geek friend. Zayn doesn’t like this show all too much.


To: Hazel

You love it. See yeh tmmr


I chuckle a bit at my own response too. I find myself a lot funnier than I actually am, but that’s okay. At least I can live a happy life.

Hazel is so different from the rest. I have been trying to get to know her since the London Eye, but that’s proving to be an almost impossible task. She’s so closed off and reserved. She doesn’t mind talking to you unless it’s about her past. She loves to laugh and when she does it’s contagious. She’s just hard to figure out and I can’t wait until I do.


A/N: Sorry for another one, but I just wanted to apologize for a shit chapter. I kind of had no idea what I was doing since I went off script a little bit. At this point though, Liam doesn’t like Hazel in that more than friend way, he’s just curious. Just wanted to clarify.

Alex xx

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