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alternate ver. 2/2 start.


he felt calm, there was no adrenaline
nor his will to live anymore. yoongi
was tired of it all, he couldn't handle
anymore of his memories coming back.
he couldn't bare to regain all the feelings
of loss his heart had felt during the ten years.
the feelings that his brain had forgotten,
yet the memories his body and soul had
remembered and loved.

"i'm sorry jimin...
it's just all too much"

but that wasn't the worst thing that
had happened in opinion. when yoongi
had witnessed the scene of his forgotten
beloved holding an infant by the arms in
the air, laughing beside the woman who
was and is a stranger to him.
it broke him, and it really hit him with reality;
the reality of being too late. way too late.


so there he was standing on the balcony
of his house, that faced the sunset which he
had always loved, he was prepared, a rope
around his neck and an environment where
there was nothing but a cold breeze which
calmed him even further. it was too calm...
but it was good for yoongi. the more calmer
he felt... the more easier it would be to jump.

one deep breath is all it takes.

he says. as he preps himself
for his last and final gulp of air.


yoyoyo i'm back and super sore.
but i honestly miss camp and
i wanna go back, just scratch the
canoeing and i'll be a-ok :))

short termed : jimin & yoongiWhere stories live. Discover now